"Why I'm Skeptical of PTSD Claims... And You Should Be Too"

Thanks for the info. I can venture to guess that many people who have PTSD etc are given meds that are very addictive. I only take clonazepam-but never abused them, except now they arent working as good. Not that people abuse their meds, I mean I stayed stable at about 3 a day when Im allowed 6-and take all 6 when leaving the house only. Great to know you cant OD on that.
Does it come in tablets,horse pills or liquid?
Mine are 3mg and a bit smaller than an aspirin. I've also had good luck with the MidNight melting tabs and there is a spray for (Goodnight I think) but I haven't used that. I avoid the tea just because if I drink any kind before bed I'm up a few times. I use it a few times a month when I really just NEED to sleep. That or Benadryl are my go to sleep aids.
Thanks. Red Flag also mentioned Benadryl-thought that was just for allergies. Need sleep aids because trying to get off the beer which helps me sleep and eat. Heard I can get my throat frozen-but no way I am doing that to eat.
As someone who has chased the sleep dragon for years, I would caution anyone against the long term usage of a sleep aid. At a bare minimum you'll have to mix it up to avoid a dependency, even OTC meds.

Melatonin, Benadryl (also the active ingredient in most "PM" pain meds or Zzzquil), sublingual gel caps, a small snack, and even a shot of booze with one of the above...large doses, small doses, mixing the meds will all work, but at some point I've had to suck it up and go without, allowing myself to "detox" as it were. I have yet to meet anyone who didn't develop a dependency on OTC meds and prescription sleep medication is the devil.
After you detoxed and went off did you figure out a way to sleep.When I didnt have beer here-which is rare, stayed up at least 3 full days and nights and to this day day cant nap. Napping makes me sit up gasping for air. Dont know why. Any suggestions I would gladly take or at least consider.
As someone who has chased the sleep dragon for years, I would caution anyone against the long term usage of a sleep aid. At a bare minimum you'll have to mix it up to avoid a dependency, even OTC meds.

Melatonin, Benadryl (also the active ingredient in most "PM" pain meds or Zzzquil), sublingual gel caps, a small snack, and even a shot of booze with one of the above...large doses, small doses, mixing the meds will all work, but at some point I've had to suck it up and go without, allowing myself to "detox" as it were. I have yet to meet anyone who didn't develop a dependency on OTC meds and prescription sleep medication is the devil.
That's what I do with most of my long-term meds.
I admire you for taking that trip and know its important to have that time. I am highly agoraphobic and had trauma for about 30 yrs.Talk more tomorrow.
I would love to have some alone time-not just to reflect but yell and scream and get some stuff out of my system.The bush would be a good place. I remember when I wasnt agoraphobic and hubby and I traveled the northern states from down east all the way up into B.C.Camped all the way and took us a month. Maybe I will rent a cabin even for a weekend-its getting there thats the hard part. Think I will work on that as a short term goal. Keep moving forward as they say.:-) I think you taking that trip alone inspired me.
I would want something more natural for sleep. Heard about some teas that help as well-probably going to pick one up this week. Heard a bit about Melatonin.Thanks for the suggestion.

The most common mistakes with Melatonin are: 1. taking too much; 2. Taking it too late.

Melatonin is non-habit forming, and pretty natural. Start with 3mg, 45 minutes to an hour before bed.
Well-going to try it. Probably after I see my Dr. About a week. What is the expense-my meds are covered, maybe I can get this covered too through ODSP.
I paid ~ $4 for the NatureMade brand bottle of 120 3mg pills at the pharmacy but even the dollar store here carries it.
The most common mistakes with Melatonin are: 1. taking too much; 2. Taking it too late.

Melatonin is non-habit forming, and pretty natural. Start with 3mg, 45 minutes to an hour before bed.

So what happens when you get up to 30mg Melatonin + 25 mg Diphenhydramine and nothing happens? :-/:wall:
After you detoxed and went off did you figure out a way to sleep.

Yeah...I was exhausted enough to sleep after a few nights. It sucks, but there it is. I'm a lightweight by some standards, and indeed some members of this board have sent me their "elite level" sleep cocktail, but I've been up to 50mg of Benadryl, 9mg of melatonin, and 800mg of Skelaxin just to sleep 6 hours. We have members here who consider that "a nap" which is pretty frightening.

I have TMJ, that condition where you clench your jaw when sleeping. I've noticed a greater likelihood of this when I take Melatonin, but that's all anecdotal of course.

I vary what I take and when I take it. Some nights I just accept I'm going to sleep tomorrow and I suck it up. On the plus side, I've played a lot of video games....
So what happens when you get up to 30mg Melatonin + 25 mg Diphenhydramine and nothing happens? :-/:wall:

Time to see your doc, to see if prescription sleep aides are called for. There are "sleep labs" that look specifically at sleep disorders. Many things impact sleep, including difficulty falling to sleep, and events that disturb one's quality of sleep. Sleep apnea is one of the common disorders that sleep labs are able to identify. As with most health related things, it is hard to treat something if you don't have a diagnosis to work with. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but there are many things that get in the way of a good night's sleep.
Yeah...I was exhausted enough to sleep after a few nights. It sucks, but there it is. I'm a lightweight by some standards, and indeed some members of this board have sent me their "elite level" sleep cocktail, but I've been up to 50mg of Benadryl, 9mg of melatonin, and 800mg of Skelaxin just to sleep 6 hours. We have members here who consider that "a nap" which is pretty frightening.

I have TMJ, that condition where you clench your jaw when sleeping. I've noticed a greater likelihood of this when I take Melatonin, but that's all anecdotal of course.

I vary what I take and when I take it. Some nights I just accept I'm going to sleep tomorrow and I suck it up. On the plus side, I've played a lot of video games....
Lack of sleep sucks.Hate the nausea I feel from not sleeping well. Still using my beer as a sleep aid.I got one of my test results back from yesterday.May need antibiotics and dont think I can drink with them.

Thank God for my xbox.I game a lot-but as they say whatever gets you through the night.Wish you better and longer sleeps. BTW- my POV is that 6 hrs of sleep is OK unless you feel you arent functioning at your normal level. Have had the TMJ-but only sporadically.Worse when I was a teen.