I just found the 1973 BAC male fitness test minimums in FM 21-20, Physical Readiness Training, March 1973. This was the male standard until the current APFT standard was implemented.
Chin-ups - 6 repetitions
Bent Leg Sit-ups - 20 repetitions
Push ups - 22 repetitions
Half Knee Bend - 80 (two minute period)
I-mile Endurance Run - 8½ minutes or less
Reference Army FM 35-20 Physical Training Women’s Army Corps, February 1975, Para 213. Airborne Trainee Physical Fitness Qualification Test for Women, this was the original initial female standard implemented in 1974 until the current APFT standard was implemented.
Incline Chin ups – 7 repetitions
Knee Bender -50 within a two minute period
Modified Pushups- 22 repetitions
Modified sit-ups- 20 repetitions
An endurance run of 1 mile in 10 minutes or less.
Neither test had a scoring table, just minimums.
The Ranger/Special Forces Physical Fitness Qualification Test, reference FM 21-20, March 1973:
Other than the swim event, the test is same for both Ranger and SF and has a scoring table.
Inverted crawl (age-all) Required minimum raw score- 25.0 seconds
Bent leg Sit-ups (age-all) Required minimum repetitions - 87
Push ups (age-all) Required minimum repetitions - 88
Run, Dodge and Jump (age-all) Required minimum raw score- 24.0 seconds
Two Mile Run (age-all) Required minimum raw score- 16 minutes 80 seconds.
Swim Event all- Pass/fail
Ranger swim 15 meters with clothing, boots, equipment and rifle
SF Swim 60 meters with clothing and boots
FM 21-20, Physical Readiness Training, January 1969 only identifies Airborne Trainee Physical Fitness Qualification. No Ranger or Special Forces Fitness Qualification Test. Also it was not until Army Regulation 600-951, January 1965 that the Army stipulated for the first time that all male and female personnel less than 40 years of age would be tested periodically for physical fitness.
Also reference
History of United States Army Physical Fitness and Physical Readiness Testing (
In January 1969, the fifth revision of
FM 21-20 was published, and it contained 4 assessments that commanders could use. These were the Physical Combat Proficiency Test, the Minimum Fitness Test-Male, Airborne Physical Fitness Test, and the Inclement Weather Test. The Physical Combat Proficiency Test was considered the standard test and the test items.