Working on a 3day+ Ruck - - COBRA


Verified Military
Dec 22, 2010
Just North of Galveston Texas

I've been deving this for months and should have the prototype in my hands in about 2 weeks. Looking for your thoughts on colors and anything else. Already working on the 3 PenCott colourways, Multicam, Desert Tan, Coyote, Ranger Green, and possibly Black.
COBRA is jumpable, and has an exterior very lightweight frame designed by Down East and has dual adjustable shoulder pads, fitting more people size & height wise & can be adjusted to fit body armor also. COBRA also has MOLLE running all the way down the sides of the 2" web on main body. COBRA has 4 handles, 3 panic handles & one flat on the top w/ pass thru slots for accessory straps (provided). An attached rain cover is stowed in the bottom & access thru a zipper, always along & not easily lost. We are also doing two, 1 liter pockets that take up 5 rows of MOLLE, you can attach 2 on each side or 4 as a "double wide". Lots of MOLLE, "tool crib" & wee pockets.



Main is 2800 cubes
Secondary is 800 cubes
2 outside back pockets are 300 cubes each
Optional side pockets are 1 ltr each
21" tall, footprint including waist pad is 12"x14"
Dry weight is 4 lbs 15 oz
I'm also working on a Rhodesian Style Vest - - Rhod Warrior
So stay tuned for this one too.
Does it have the 3 loop attaching system on the bottom or does it need a H-SPR?
Well a name is easier to change than a design so I guess I'll find another bar napkin and a pencil. I'll contact ATS and see if they are using the name because I don't see it on their site.
If you want anyone to test it out and write up an AAR on it let me know. I'll be rolling out here soon.
Any chance of creating a civilian looking one for those that travel in a low profile? I would like a pack that looks like a normal civilian pack on the outside, but has a "tactical" layout on the inside.
Can you show a picture of the main and secondary bag seperate, and how they go together?
They do not seperate, just named main and secondary as compartments.
Any chance of creating a civilian looking one for those that travel in a low profile? I would like a pack that looks like a normal civilian pack on the outside, but has a "tactical" layout on the inside.
Maybe no MOLLE on the outside and a nice civilian color like blue?
Nice looking pack, really digging the frame in a 3 day... Whats the price range on these?
We're looking at a retail price around $350-375, but maybe a bit more so don't hold me to that. Once the first one is done in Multicam here in a week or two we'll have a better idea on price. I used to have Joe's pockets and I know Joe's pockets aren't that deep so we do what we can to keep things high end but affordable. The frame really helps with cooling. I have been knocking out 4-5 miles in the evenings and it's humid as "f" down here. That bit of airspace really does help, and I have some chemlight pockets sewn in there too. Used to tape them to my alice frame so added pockets to this new ruck.
Maybe no MOLLE on the outside and a nice civilian color like blue?
I was thinking something like black with blue accents.

5.11 has a bag, but it doesn't have the frame as yours does. They're about the only company I've really seen advertising this type of bag.

I would definitely say remove the MOLLE from the outside. Probably even the two outside pouches, and replace them with more "sporty" looking pockets/pouches.

The pack you have right now looks great! But right now North Face is getting a lot of business that could potentially be yours.