Wounded Site Member- Surgicalcric

In addition to balance training my Occupational Therapist has been working on some scar tissue massage on my right medial thigh and groin. This isn't going as well, or maybe I should say as painless as the balance training. For those of you not fortunate enough to grit through a session, it is a deep tissue massage used to free up adhesions along scar and suture lines and allow muscles to move more freely in the affected areas – it isn't very pleasant at all but after it's all said and done it will be worth it.

Have you tried myofascial cupping? I've been getting it for a while now (with remedial massage) and it's pretty good, after I ditched one therapist who wouldn't go hard enough for another who has a nasty streak.
Great to see your recovery is going well.

Your attitude in the face of adversity has been nothing short of inspirational. As a soldier with SOF aspirations, I'd like to thank you for setting the example you do.
Great pics, amigo! You are redefining a speedy recovery. I was passing by WRAMC @ mind numbing 20mph yesterday. Sent a prayer your way for you, your family, and a Troll I know.

RF 1
Well yesterday I had a Tempanoplasty (repair of hole in ear drum) with access through my ear canal and as soon as they let me out of the PACU (Post-Anesthesia Care Unit) I was packed and on the road towards South Carolina to begin 30 days of Convalescent leave.

This should be a great test of what was focused on in both Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy during the past few months. I brought both the new carbon fiber socket with bionic knee (see bad ass pic below) and the older silicone socket with the mechanic knee to test it out while home. My hope is to have a list of new things needing to be focused on during Therapies when I return.
SC, I often joke that I have enough friends, but I'd honestly fire one or two of them to make room for you if I had to; Luckily for them, that isn't necessary. You've probably heard this once too many to your liking, but I'll say it again: You are an inspiration to many. Seeing your progress makes me happy as someone who considers you a friend, but also as an American to see one of our own take some of the worst our enemies have to offer and deal with it. You haven't quit, you don't wallow in self-pity, and you even frame your rehabilitation with "How soon can I return to duty? How long before I can contribute to the fight?" That your new leg/ socket is adorned with the POW/MIA logo is further proof of being a badass.

So, this is sappy or whatever, but I doubt I'm the only one thinking it and I thought it needed to be vocalized.

As an aside, The Troll deserves his share of praise for being with you and for making everyone's life so miserable that they want you to heal....if only to be rid of him. :-)

With that touchy-feely moment out of the way, time to ban someone so that the board doesn't think I have a heart.

Keep kicking ass, Brother.
If you guys think this one is awesome wait til you see my tribute to the men I left behind on Afghanistan. It will be awesome.

As for the rest, you guys (and gals) are far too kind; I assure you I am undeserving.
If you guys think this one is awesome wait til you see my tribute to the men I left behind on Afghanistan. It will be awesome.

As for the rest, you guys (and gals) are far too kind; I assure you I am undeserving.
How do I disagree with that without nailing you with negative points? ;-)
P: They didnt use the flag; they ordered a t-shirt and cut what they needed from the center of the shirt, wrapped the leg in the shirt material and then laminated it onto the CF.

Sounds good on the elk. I bet we can use the grill behind bldg-11.