Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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I fully acknowledge that the pendulum ALWAYS swings back the other way, The thing is, in all of my adult life, there always seems to be one side of the sociopolitical spectrum that maximizes their time in the sun – and it ISN’T conservative republicans. I'm pretty sure if President -Elect Donald Trump announced that he was going to have a bald headed dude sporting bright orange lipstick, high heels, and a red dress serving in a prominent role ANYWHERE in his administration - those cackling broads on The View and every other mainstream media outlet would be screaming at the clouds. The establishment would already be wailing for common sense intervention to keep the emotionally distraught orange man out of office.
There will be no "media honeymoon" the next time they get an opportunity to imprison the opposition. There won't be any smart assed "Amen and Awomen" when they open the congress - it will be an immediate brush fire. It is time for a reckoning in our political system.
Shit - we might as well credit Trump with a 3rd impeachment because you ALL know its coming.

In fact, our current “culture war” brings to mind this crazy Italian dude that wrote a book about this kind of shit way way way back in the mid-1500's…

“People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage, they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance.” - Niccolo Machiavelli

Well, if we're going to quote Machiavelli, we would also do well to remember the warnings he gives regarding hate:

“So, on this question of being loved or feared, I conclude that since some men love as they please but fear when the prince pleases, a wise prince should rely on what he controls, not on what he cannot control. He must only endeavor, as I said, to escape being hated.”
"I hold it to be of great prudence for men to abstain from threats and insulting words towards any one, for neither the one nor the other in any way diminishes the strength of the enemy; but the one makes him more cautious, and the other increases his hatred of you, and makes him more persevering in his efforts to injure you."

Love is strong. Fear is stronger than love. But hate is stronger than fear. We need to punish the people who did what they did to us, and to our country. But we have to make sure we don't engender widespread hatred against us in the process. That's what the left did, and now they are experiencing a deliciously embarrassing loss at the polls and (I hope) political, economic, and social repercussions over it.

We have to deal with the irreconcilables, yes. But there are loads of people in the malleable middle who we don't need to cast out with the far-left bathwater. We need hard core leftists to fear us. We don't need all liberals to hate us.

And we also need to keep in mind that the mob can turn. It has turned in our direction, for now, but that hasn't always been the case and isn't always going to be the case. It is far better to shore up our institutions, laws, and norms and make sure they are equally applied (and not grossly abused, as has been the case for many years now.

Because, as Machiavelli also said,

"Men are 'ungrateful, fickle, simulators and deceivers, avoiders of danger, and greedy for gain. While you work for their benefit, they are completely yours, offering you their blood, their property, their lives, and their sons, as I said above, when the need is far away."
We have to deal with the irreconcilables, yes. But there are loads of people in the malleable middle who we don't need to cast out with the far-left bathwater. We need hard core leftists to fear us. We don't need all liberals to hate us.

I would argue that there isn’t a "far-left" or "hardcore left" element in this country that has power. Bernie and the squad don't exactly run the Dems.

Since Regan there's really only been two dominant political ideologies; neoliberalism (economic) and neoconservatism (foreign policy). Everybody sort of fell into those boxes.

The people running the country have been neolibs with some rainbow sprinkles for diversity's sake. They'll do what they did under Regan and pull rightward to maintain power, if they're allowed to. They'll all become Blue Dogs if it keeps them seated.

The issue is that neoliberalism is dying overall, because it's failing to address the actual citizens concerns. It's why populism is rising, as seen in some really weird ways. Think of the bernie bros who voted Trump or the perfect example of the strangeness of American politics, People who split ticket voted for Trump and AOC. They overwhelming just voted against the current ideology, even if they might no word it as such.

I don't think at @amlove21 is wrong in his assessment that a new ideology needs established while you've got the chance.
This isn't new. If you look back in the history of American politics, you see ideologies and political parties' philosophy shifting almost every generation and a half. In my lifetime the GOP had a radical shift with Reagan, then again with George W, and again now.

But for sure they need to seize on this opportunity to rebrand populism/ nationalism (MAGA).
What we saw was people saying that they loved their country more than an ideology and THAT is the lesson here.

However what I'd like to see is a purge and a restructuring so that our feds can no longer be used as a weapon against any political side. ATF, IRS, EPA, FBI, ETC., all of IT. Put in the fear of the law that it's illegal to take ANY side and to stay neutral and just do their jobs with fairness and impartialities. And no, it's definitely not superfluous as Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc. has done.

Also, I don't consider liberals to be the middle, they're left of center but not far left.
Problem is not the agencies...per se, but DOJ. All subpoenas, search warrants, arrest warrants, are approved and provided by DOJ. The AG is the most political appointed position in any, that is where the main problem my opinion.

It's not like on the local/state side, where the prosecutors don't see the case until all the investigation is done, arrests made, and the case is then filed with the DA's office.
I would argue that there isn’t a "far-left" or "hardcore left" element in this country that has power. Bernie and the squad don't exactly run the Dems.

Since Regan there's really only been two dominant political ideologies; neoliberalism (economic) and neoconservatism (foreign policy). Everybody sort of fell into those boxes.

The people running the country have been neolibs with some rainbow sprinkles for diversity's sake. They'll do what they did under Regan and pull rightward to maintain power, if they're allowed to. They'll all become Blue Dogs if it keeps them seated.

The issue is that neoliberalism is dying overall, because it's failing to address the actual citizens concerns. It's why populism is rising, as seen in some really weird ways. Think of the bernie bros who voted Trump or the perfect example of the strangeness of American politics, People who split ticket voted for Trump and AOC. They overwhelming just voted against the current ideology, even if they might no word it as such.

I don't think at @amlove21 is wrong in his assessment that a new ideology needs established while you've got the chance.

I think that the left, stupidly, took the bait and went full fledged retard into the culture war shit. I consider myself liberal, but in reality I just don’t think the government should have a say. Want to be trans(less than a singular percentage of people)? I don’t give a singular fuck. I don’t think the government should either. Want to smoke pot or get an abortion? That is none of my or the governments goddamn business. Unfortunately one of the parties in our country is anti-personal choice/freedom, and the other is full blown retarded in catering to obscure minority groups. IMO conservatives would sacrifice every personal freedom for the 2A, and most extreme liberals would do the same for some retarded obscure cause.

Personally I think Trump isn’t as extreme as I thought he was before. Gaetz is a piece of human dogshit though, and after all the handwringing about pedophilia, which I feel is reductio ad hitlerum normally, is actually true for that piece of shit. The Gaetz pick alone is the only thing he has done that worrries me. I do not think he will be confirmed, but I’ve been wrong before.
So, in violation of several previous Supreme court rulings. Bucks County is continuing to find votes and it is closing the gap on the Republican candidate. As I read the article their county commissioners knowingly are violating state law and their own procedures in order to count these votes. These are provisional, but uncured ballots.
I think that the left, stupidly, took the bait and went full fledged retard into the culture war shit. I consider myself liberal, but in reality I just don’t think the government should have a say. Want to be trans(less than a singular percentage of people)? I don’t give a singular fuck. I don’t think the government should either. Want to smoke pot or get an abortion? That is none of my or the governments goddamn business. Unfortunately one of the parties in our country is anti-personal choice/freedom, and the other is full blown retarded in catering to obscure minority groups. IMO conservatives would sacrifice every personal freedom for the 2A, and most extreme liberals would do the same for some retarded obscure cause.

Personally I think Trump isn’t as extreme as I thought he was before. Gaetz is a piece of human dogshit though, and after all the handwringing about pedophilia, which I feel is reductio ad hitlerum normally, is actually true for that piece of shit. The Gaetz pick alone is the only thing he has done that worrries me. I do not think he will be confirmed, but I’ve been wrong before.
lol, no.
Gaetz is a piece of human dogshit

Of course I agree if those allegations are true. I'm not sure it's true, though. Why havent they moved on it after all this time? But I do know his uniparty colleagues don't like him because he's so outspoken. He really pissed them off when he got good ole boy McCarthy fired.

don’t give a singular fuck. I don’t think the government should either. Want to smoke pot or get an abortion? That is none of my or the governments goddamn business.

Agreed. I'm pro-life, but it's none of my business up until it's murder. I don't know when that is or if life begins at conception, but at some point it is a living person.

The previous post I was responding to was deleted so ETA: My point on abortion do you. Doesn't mean I'd make the same choice.
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I think that the left, stupidly, took the bait and went full fledged retard into the culture war shit. I consider myself liberal, but in reality I just don’t think the government should have a say. Want to be trans(less than a singular percentage of people)? I don’t give a singular fuck. I don’t think the government should either. Want to smoke pot or get an abortion? That is none of my or the governments goddamn business. Unfortunately one of the parties in our country is anti-personal choice/freedom, and the other is full blown retarded in catering to obscure minority groups. IMO conservatives would sacrifice every personal freedom for the 2A, and most extreme liberals would do the same for some retarded obscure cause.

Personally I think Trump isn’t as extreme as I thought he was before. Gaetz is a piece of human dogshit though, and after all the handwringing about pedophilia, which I feel is reductio ad hitlerum normally, is actually true for that piece of shit. The Gaetz pick alone is the only thing he has done that worrries me. I do not think he will be confirmed, but I’ve been wrong before.

Lol, your not liberal, your libertarian! Come on over to the dark side.

It might be one thing if someone like Gaetz was a resounding stand up guy. That doesn't really seem to be the case. Like I eluded to in an earlier post, they may not have found the fire, but there's a shit ton of smoke.

There are a ton of other (better) options out there. What does Gaetz really bring to the table? Spare us all and select someone that doesn't come with all the drama.
Gaetz is stand up compared to Swalwell, and again, Swalwell was never impeached. If there was anything that Merrick Garland could have gotten Gaetz with Gaetz would be in federal prison for pre-trial confinement.

I think that the left, stupidly, took the bait and went full fledged retard into the culture war shit. I consider myself liberal, but in reality I just don’t think the government should have a say. Want to be trans(less than a singular percentage of people)? I don’t give a singular fuck. I don’t think the government should either. Want to smoke pot or get an abortion? That is none of my or the governments goddamn business. Unfortunately one of the parties in our country is anti-personal choice/freedom, and the other is full blown retarded in catering to obscure minority groups. IMO conservatives would sacrifice every personal freedom for the 2A, and most extreme liberals would do the same for some retarded obscure cause.

Personally I think Trump isn’t as extreme as I thought he was before. Gaetz is a piece of human dogshit though, and after all the handwringing about pedophilia, which I feel is reductio ad hitlerum normally, is actually true for that piece of shit. The Gaetz pick alone is the only thing he has done that worrries me. I do not think he will be confirmed, but I’ve been wrong before.

Democrats are the ones who are anti-personal choice. They are anti-liberty. They are so "tolerant" of this bullshit because it is actually their identity that they cancel you for wrong think on one issue when you might agree with them on six others.
So, in violation of several previous Supreme court rulings. Bucks County is continuing to find votes and it is closing the gap on the Republican candidate. As I read the article their county commissioners knowingly are violating state law and their own procedures in order to count these votes. These are provisional, but uncured ballots.
Ah yes, meanwhile in Pennsylvania.... :rolleyes:
Pennsylvania Democrats openly admit to counting illegal ballots in McCormick-Casey race

"I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country," Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, a Democrat, said Thursday as she and other Democrats voted to reject a GOP-led challenge to ballots that should be disqualified.
"People violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention. There’s nothing more important than counting votes."

Officials estimate there are fewer than 80,000 provisional ballots left to be counted across the Keystone State, less than two percent of the vote, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported. While the chance that Casey could make up his deficit is small, his attorneys and McCormick's have repeatedly clashed at county commissioner meetings this week as local officials have debated over whether to count small handfuls of ballots.

Democrats insist they are acting in good faith in believing that rejecting someone's vote because of a clerical error violates their constitutional rights.

In Montgomery County, for example, officials deliberated for 30 minutes over whether about 180 provisional ballots without secrecy envelopes should be counted. The Inquirer reported that several of these votes came from the same precincts, suggesting an error made by poll workers.

Democratic board chair Neil Makhija voted to accept the ballots so that voters would not be disenfranchised. But other members of the board, including one Democrat and a Republican, voted to reject the ballots on the advice of county attorneys who determined the law clearly states they should not be counted.
I think that the left, stupidly, took the bait and went full fledged retard into the culture war shit...
IMO conservatives would sacrifice every personal freedom for the 2A, and most extreme liberals would do the same for some retarded obscure cause.

Agree with the bolded. When most everyone in the parties are some flavor of neolib, the only differences between them are single issue cultural shit.

There's a reason people like Sanders/AOC/the squad out preformed Harris and more Trumpian Republicans did better; they're all actually "different enough" from current politics to stand out.
Agree with the bolded. When most everyone in the parties are some flavor of neolib, the only differences between them are single issue cultural shit.

There's a reason people like Sanders/AOC/the squad out preformed Harris and more Trumpian Republicans did better; they're all actually "different enough" from current politics to stand out.

Maybe nationally, but locally what I saw happen was both Trumpian idiots and crazy liberals were smoked in Statewide elections. In NC Robinson was soundly defeated as were most of the republicans on the statewide ticket. That is because the Trumpian shit only really works for Trump. He is somehow above it because for 3 years of his presidency the wars were calm and the economy was good. Nationally liberal tears are funny, but locally(where I think it matters) people don’t want that crazy shit.
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