Any PTI I've come cross would have stood over him saying, don't count that one, don't count that one, don't count that one, don't count that one. After 3 they normally slowed down and started adopting good form.
Shit Ive never been close to doing a hundred.
never got close to 102 situps. Broke 90 pushups when I was 20, last PT test I took in early Nov got me 86. Situps, hell Id love to break 75 at this point but that aint happening any time soon.Ditto
I did 102 situps on a PT test once, I never got close to that on pushups.
running breeds cowardice. I havent broken 1430 on the run in years. Im a member of the goon squad in case you didnt pick up on that
When I was in DEP there was a guy who was 6'2" or 6'3" who did 96 in a minute during our PT test.. He was a beast.
You're 16 and you're only just out of diapers.
Ever noticed kernels of corn in your turds? You can wash them and eat them again, I'm just saying...
I have seen quite a few studs in my day and that just takes the cake. The best I ever got on a PT test was 102 P/U...
Also, your, and the recruiter's (depending on where he is from), idea of good form may not be what you think it is.
We dont want a letter/memo from a recruiter, we know most of them lie daily... We want a clear video. Nothing less will do.
Now go do PT.
So far, I had two PMSs from two different schools I went to b**** at me about form. They both said form was keeping the back straight and face forward( do not look down) and have the chest touch the floor. I did not practice that for a long time, so it was unconfortable to do, and I cannot do as much. I 'm more comfortable doing mine with my head facing the floor, but everyone( PT instructors at school, PMSs, cadets in the AROTC programs I visited, actual soldiers...) says that ruins form.
From what I have observed, when someone says perfect form, it is basically what I just mentioned.