13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

I'm looking forward to it. I just hope they don't ruin it like they did with Lone Survivor by adding hollywood bullshit that didn't happen in real life.
Looks awesome. Had the usual reaction of "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY" when I saw the trailer. Here's hoping they make mention of the CAG solider and Marine who went in on their own to recover the deceased.
I haven't read the book so I don't know how it handled the politics surrounding the event, but I imagine that the writers wanted to stay away from the political controversy as much as possible. Personally, I think that that's a good idea. The writers for 'Zero Dark Thirty' should've done that.
Maybe they are trying to show she blew it off (dereliction of duty).
Maybe they couldn't find an ugly shrew of a woman to play Hillary (costume/special effects people can only do so much).
I thought they were referring to Christopher Stevens. At a quick glance, I didn't see anyone cast his as him on the list. That would seem like kind of a big oversight given the topic. Attention to detail.
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It was a good movie.

Thankfully they didn't "Lone Survivor" it. The movie generally stayed true to the book. They could've spent a bit more time developing the characters for the guys - it moved a bit faster than needed but definitely worth the trip to the theater.
One of my sons saw it, called me and told me it would make me despise that bitch and I told him I didn't need any incentive.
Finally watched it.

I have so many questions- but none that have not likely been asked already.

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I was given a copy for Father's Day. I have to be in the right mood to watch movies with realistic firefights. My kids don't quite get that...but unless I'm in the right frame of mind, it's just asking for a restless night. But I finally watched the movie. I thought it was extremely well done.

WTF is it with Clintons? Both husband and wife have now gotten Americans killed by denying needed support. Benghazi, Mogadishu...an AC-130 would've made all the difference.
I'm really conflicted about seeing the film. In my point of view, there is still no closure with Benghazi. My frame of mind, as @Ocoka One mentions, is still one of anger about Benghazi.