2016 Presidential Race

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Not attacked, but rushed off stage. Supposedly the guy had a gun? This all just happened so who knows.

But if that's the case, it's some serious shit... though it won't be in the news for more than five minutes because they won't want to show anything that'll help Trump.

He came back on stage right after.

Libs on the one hand: Stop victim blaming!
Libs on the other hand: "He faked it to gain sympathy, fuck Drumpf xDDDD"
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Can't wait for the season finale of America. :ninja:

I sure do hope the lead actors get replaced in the next season.

Yeah, that statement won't stir up any shit.

Unless we're talking about the FUTURE Queen.:sneaky:

Good info for the masses.

How Does The Electoral College Work And Is It Fair?

A fascinating review of the unquestionable brilliance of our Founding Fathers.

Thus, impeachment is more analogous to a civil lawsuit than a criminal proceeding. A person can be prosecuted for a crime even after being civilly sued for the same misconduct. Like impeachment, the civil suit has a lower burden of proof and legal standards that are not as exacting because it is not the functional equivalent of a criminal case. Just as impeachment is only about removing a corrupt official’s power, the civil suit is merely about compensation for damages. Neither involves the potential loss of liberty that a criminal conviction does.

In impeachment, the official is held to a higher standard of conduct because public office is an extraordinary privilege, not a fundamental right. Public office is a trust with awesome attendant powers; a person may be manifestly unfit for it without having committed indictable crimes. Therefore, high crimes and misdemeanors — which, again, need not be indictable penal offenses — are easier to prove: Congress may fashion its own rules for the proceeding, there is no judicial oversight, and no requirement that all essential elements of criminal offenses be proved beyond a reasonable doubt under strict rules of evidence — Congress must merely determine that violations of the public trust have occurred and that they warrant removal of that trust. By contrast, because a criminal prosecution does involve the potential deprivation of fundamental rights, the standards of proof are more exacting and the protections of judicial due process are guaranteed.

If Hillary Is Corrupt, Congress Should Impeach Her

Because the amount of leftie butthurt a Trump win would cause would be amazing. Mostly, I just hate Clinton and everything she represents.

But she's British! ;-)

US Election 2016: Hillary Clinton's English mining roots - BBC News
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So is everyone cool with the President encouraging illegal voting?

I don't like him or his policies, but that was pretty iffy. I never heard him say that illegals should vote. I did hear him say all citizens can vote and that no one is going to go back and investigate the voting. Is the implication that "as noone is going to investigate, illegals should vote"? Without full context, it's impossible to say. I'd be a hypocrite if I asserted that a partial, out of context, statement by the President is OK, but all the out of context statements by Trump weren't.
I don't like him or his policies, but that was pretty iffy. I never heard him say that illegals should vote. I did hear him say all citizens can vote and that no one is going to go back and investigate the voting. Is the implication that "as noone is going to investigate, illegals should vote"? Without full context, it's impossible to say. I'd be a hypocrite if I asserted that a partial, out of context, statement by the President is OK, but all the out of context statements by Trump weren't.

She asked about illegals, he said they were "citizens" if they contributed to society and all "citizens" should vote. Pretty clear to me.
She called them undocumented citizens...my grandparents are rolling over in their graves with all of the Mexicans that failure to become Americans.
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