2016 Presidential Race

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Our of curiosity, who'd you vote for in 2008?

Cause opinions change and I'm sure once Trump is around more educated people and less Hollyweird (which is where the anti-vaccine idiots congregate); his position and change .

This is 2008, both Hillary and Obama made comments doubting the conclusive science.

Autism: The Unlikely New Campaign Issue

I didn't vote in 2008.
My roommate's dad has been bitching about the election for weeks and how he just can't vote for Trump. He voted early the other day and told my roommate, "Well, son, I bit the bullet......and voted for Pence as VP." Nice little bit of justification for those who can't stomach voting for either candidate.
Trump might say some retarded and mean things. Meanwhile, Clinton is the most corrupt, bought-out, psychotic politician who's going to keep society in its downward, leftist, SJW trajectory. Someone who would sell out the country for a Pringle if it kept her in power.

The choice is an un-Presedential candidate or a traitor.
Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, probably Clinton.

You guys are doing alright on the dynasty thing without our help.

Yep. And if I had a Million Dollars, I'd wager you have not heard the last of Michelle.
I bet that ended well!

Ran the sword through his arm haha!

Got it wrong, it was 1935.

"At Auckland, on Friday, 12 July 1935, a duel with swords was fought between a former English Army officer and a foreigner, said to have been a Russian, who made a grossly insulting remark about King George V. After fighting for a few minutes, the Englishman ran his sword through his opponent's arm and the affair ended."
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