2016 Presidential Race

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Here's the bigger problem- I am supposed to believe Trump is an "outsider"? That in the two candidates we have, Hillary is the "establishment" and Trump is this rogue figure that thumbs his nose at the man?

GTFO. The dude is a billionaire that exploits the system to be excused from what the average American is legally required to do and then has the audacity to say "That makes me smart".

Politically, yes, he's very much an outsider and Clinton, via her 30 years directly associated with Democrat politics, is the establishment candidate.

What exploitation are you referring to?
Look at how he ran those businesses into the ground man.

According to Hoovers, Trump Entertainment Resorts had $578Mil in total assets and $386Mil in liabilities in 2011.

It is worth noting that one of his bankruptcies related to TER was his inability to secure low interest financing and his debt payments did the company in. Sound familiar? Too bad he, and other businesses, couldn't simply raise their debt ceilings and keep interest rates artificially low.

He posted a loss of $916 mil, allowing him to pay no taxes for nearly two decades.

This was the impetus for the "Not paying federal tax makes me smart."

I thought that article stated that everything he did was legal.
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According to Hoovers, Trump Entertainment Resorts had $578Mil in total assets and $386Mil in liabilities in 2011.

It is worth noting that one of his bankruptcies related to TER was his inability to secure low interest financing and his debt payments did the company in. Sound familiar? Too bad he, and other businesses, couldn't simply raise their debt ceilings and keep interest rates artificially low.

he had a responsibility to his stock/shareholders to run his business well and while being paid millions of dollars he did a very poor job. "$45 million he was paid between 1995 and 2009 when he was chairman or chief executive of the publicly traded company he created to assume ownership of his troubled Atlantic City casinos. Ordinary investors in the new company, meanwhile, saw the value of their shares plunge to 17 cents from $35.50, while scores of contractors went unpaid for work on Mr. Trump’s casinos and casino bondholders received pennies on the dollar"
For the record, I'm not saying Trump is the Oracle of Omaha but nothing more than a businessman who knows how the game is played. He clearly lost money on the casinos but that's business. I think the only person who showed profits consistently regardless of other factors is Bernie Madoff.

Donald Trump was a stock market disaster

I'd rather have a candidate who filed bankruptcies and also made money rather than someone with experience in cattle futures ($1K investment turned into $100K) , failed real estate investments (Whitewater was referred to DOJ), and a corrupt "foundation" (allegedly being investigated by DOJ).
I thought that article stated that everything he did was legal.
Yeah, it's not my contention that it was illegal. It is legal. It's my contention that Trump is part of the "establishment" focus group he's railing on and on about.

Point being, a lot of Trump's message paints him as "not part of the establishment". That's just not true. He's elitist, he can exploit the system by declaring a huge loss (that wasn't really a 'loss' as far as anyone can tell), and to top it off, he made sure to pat himself on the back by saying he was "smart" not to pay his tax. This is the quintessential "1%" mantra.

Trump IS big banks. Trump IS 'the man'. He gets to list just nearly a billion dollar loss and then gets a two decade break form paying taxes.

It's become abundantly clear, now, why he won't release his current tax statements- because those statements are going to show a multi billionaire paid no federal income tax.
Yeah, it's not my contention that it was illegal. It is legal. It's my contention that Trump is part of the "establishment" focus group he's railing on and on about.

Point being, a lot of Trump's message paints him as "not part of the establishment". That's just not true. He's elitist, he can exploit the system by declaring a huge loss (that wasn't really a 'loss' as far as anyone can tell), and to top it off, he made sure to pat himself on the back by saying he was "smart" not to pay his tax. This is the quintessential "1%" mantra.

Trump IS big banks. Trump IS 'the man'. He gets to list just nearly a billion dollar loss and then gets a two decade break form paying taxes.

It's become abundantly clear, now, why he won't release his current tax statements- because those statements are going to show a multi billionaire paid no federal income tax.

Interesting point. I always understood "not part of the establishment" as being part of the political elite vice economic elite. I really don't think anyone in the US thinks that Trump is or ever was an average Joe blue collar worker hence Sanders appeal to young voters tired of Wall Street deciding who wins and who loses. It seems both candidates are struggling with attracting the Bern'ers.

I would think voters would consider Trump an idiot for paying extra income tax. Hell, just imagine if Obama, Clinton, or Kerry (via the Hienz fortune) actually came out publicly they donated money to the Treasury! Voters would go crazy in favor!!!

Personally, I want Trump's CPAs running our Fed or Treasury and absolutely do not want Clinton's IT staff running CYBERCOM or DISA. At least if Clinton does win the White House, my Pfizer stock will surely skyrocket. :D
Who was Hillary's favorite world leader?

Angela Merkel has bungled the Deutsche Bank crisis, like everything else

For anyone who was in the markets during the summer of 2008, the situation at Deutsche Bank (DB) certainly feels ominously like the weeks leading up to Lehman Brothers' collapse. But while there are lots of parallels, the broader market's reaction will be very different, no matter how the eponymous German bank gets resolved. There were many reasons why Lehman caused so much market pain. But to me, two critical things stand out. One of these is not very relevant to DB, the other very much is. Here are some broad thoughts and how I'm positioned in bonds.

Deutsche Bank Isn't Like Lehman -- and It Is

So now enter our financial "rockstars".

Did Obama's team spark Deutsche Bank sell-off?

Banks are evil...but only half evil.

Deutsche Bank surges on $US5.4b settlement report

I wonder how many DC insiders bought when the price bottomed?
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Alright! Let's hear the explanaion on this one. Rudy Giuliani was surprising in this video. He tries to hold the party line of "Hillary attacks women", but Jake Tapper hits him pretty hard.

36 days out.

First 7 minutes is the tax conversation, the infidelity accusations at 7:25.

I thought this article did a great job summarizing my views on Trump's taxes: Is Donald Trump a “Genius” Tax Avoider? - The New Yorker

The most pertinent quote from the article (which I first saw posted on a professor friend's facebook page):

"Far from demonstrating that Trump is a 'genius' or a 'highly-skilled businessman,' the 1995 returns confirm what longtime observers have known for years: earlier in his career, at least, Trump was a terrible businessman. He borrowed billions of dollars to build casinos and buy overpriced trophy properties, such as the Plaza Hotel and the Eastern Air Lines Shuttle. His businesses lost almost all of this money, and some of the biggest ones, including the Plaza, were forced to ...seek bankruptcy protection.

Trump slowly rehabilitated himself. But his comeback was due less to any innate entrepreneurial talent than to a recovery in the property market and his ability to sell himself as a success story despite his financial problems. Indeed, Trump’s real skill has always been as a self-promoter and flimflam man rather than as a creator of successful companies."

If you believe Trump's ability to manipulate the system to his advantage puts him in the best position to change the system why does the same logic not apply to HRC? Her scandals should make you more likely to support her - considering how well she's done in spite of them - she must then be a 'genius' by the logic applied to Trump.
The New York Times isn't running for president.

I mean, this argument is just a fancy way of saying "NO U"

Ya, a Tu quoque argument there.

Whataboutism only works within Russia when used by the Putin administration. ;-)

Clinton's used the same law. The point is that Trump didn't do anything wrong, it's written tax law and many corporations and individuals use those laws best they can.

And YES there's major hypocrisy with the New York Times. They broke the law to release Trumps 20 year old tax returns when they themselves used the same laws recently.

This is all complete Bullshit. There's more important issues that the media should be focusing on. And Hillary isn't so fucking squeaky clean. It is, throw out journalistic integrity and an all out biased war against Trump.
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