2018 Winter Olympics Thread

Yeah, I noticed him allowing it to touch the ground, but it isn't that big of a deal to me...especially when there are people burning it, peeing on it, and doing whatever they want with it.

He was doing it out of ignorance and not to make a political statement or to intentionally desecrate it.

I can get over it and he did excellent representing us! I am glad he won.
Yeah, I noticed him allowing it to touch the ground, but it isn't that big of a deal to me...especially when there are people burning it, peeing on it, and doing whatever they want with it.

He was doing it out of ignorance and not to make a political statement or to intentionally desecrate it.

I can get over it and he did excellent representing us! I am glad he won.

Yeah, I cringed a little when he was stepping on it...but mostly because I knew he was gonna get a ration of shit over it from overly sensitive patriots. In the excitement of the moment, he was super-amped and not thinking about flag etiquette.

He's still the biggest badass on a slick and so much fun to watch.
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He's a dopey stoner that somehow got his favorite sport activity into the Olympics and crushed it.

Out of genuine interest, what criteria would everyone like to see used to determine whether or not something should or should not be an Olympic sport? I am certain the Ancient Greeks could not have dreamt up half the modern events we have in the Summer and Winter games.
I am certain the Ancient Greeks could not have dreamt up half the modern events we have in the Summer and Winter games.

The Ancient Greeks did not have to worry about billion dollar TV contracts and keeping younger viewers interested in watching.

For 2020 they’ve added skateboarding and surfing; I shit you not. Meanwhile there was a genuine push (failed) to eliminate wrestling.

Add 3-Gun. That I would actually watch and pay attention to.
I watched the Canada/Switzerland hockey game last night. So many names I thought/hoped I'd forgotten! Rene Bourque, being useless for the Avs, makes a comeback! I wanted to forget him.

So many old men. It's literally all the guys who were too old for the NHL but have some life left so are playing in Europe. It was a boring game.

I might watch more women's.
I watched the Canada/Switzerland hockey game last night. So many names I thought/hoped I'd forgotten! Rene Bourque, being useless for the Avs, makes a comeback! I wanted to forget him.

So many old men. It's literally all the guys who were too old for the NHL but have some life left so are playing in Europe. It was a boring game.

I might watch more women's.

We will still get Gold...
Concur. very disappointed in the coverage of these Olympics.

There has also been a fair amount of discussion around attendance, which is poor at many events. This is due to a lot of factors, many of which are probably centered around the choice of venue/host country, but it takes away from these Olympics.

As I said earlier, I'm a huge fan of the winter Olympics but this one is just missing "spark", "hook" or whatever.