2018 Winter Olympics Thread

Jesse Diggins win Gold in women’s cross country. Easily the BEST event I’ve watched this whole Olympics.

What a fucking beast. Dig deeper than deep, came from behind and passed Sweden at the line.

To add.
...here is the call. Turn up your sound and enjoy American's doing American things!

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Mens slalom was crazy. The two top skiers (Hirscher, who is almost automatic, and Kristoffersen) both blew out. It is such a demanding and unforgiving sport. I love it.
Happy for the US Women, but last night's game is a prime example why hockey games should end in overtime; not a LAME shootout. A high school hockey move on an exhausted goalie should not decide championships.
I don't know. They played an overtime, sudden death period first. They also went through one round of shootouts. It has to end at some point.
I don't know. They played an overtime, sudden death period first. They also went through one round of shootouts. It has to end at some point.

Your profile does not hint at your age; so it is possible we may not have shared the same experiences.

Some of my greatest hockey memories are watching intense 1-1 games that would go into double or even triple overtime. Both teams literally leave everything they have on the ice.

A shootout? Meh. Terrible to lose that way and I have to believe somewhat bittersweet to win.
I have over 6 channels dedicated strictly to Olympic coverage.

I think we should all be sensitive to your feelings about the hockey game. Sitting there in your log cabin, draining yet another bottle of Canadian Club, wearing three pairs of wool socks, snowed-in for months, anticipating a stunning victory over the Southern Barbarians, grill prepped for moose-steaks and frites de castor...
I don't know. They played an overtime, sudden death period first. They also went through one round of shootouts. It has to end at some point.

I think shootouts are gimmicks for the fans. They are 100% a joke and honestly put way too much on a goalie. You have goalies who have save percentages north of 90% for a season and then subject them to something where their save percentage will drop into a 50/50 based on some shooters. Terrible.

That being said, congrats to the US team. At least the Canadians can drown themselves in some poutine today.
Your profile does not hint at your age; so it is possible we may not have shared the same experiences.

Some of my greatest hockey memories are watching intense 1-1 games that would go into double or even triple overtime. Both teams literally leave everything they have on the ice.

A shootout? Meh. Terrible to lose that way and I have to believe somewhat bittersweet to win.
I get it. The shootout format definitely has it's share of "controversy". But some of the same arguments can be made for long drawn out multiple period overtimes. Is an exhausted team still the same one that started the game? End with 5 on the ice or 1 on the ice, either way, it has to end. This format is a hybrid approach. They played the sudden death period. No answer. Then had a five player shoot out. Still no result. So, single player shootout. I'm fine with that, plus I had to get to bed at some point! :p

Also, I don't think either goalie was too exhausted and the moves/shots the shooters were making were pretty solid. You see the same stuff in the NHL.

I've heard the argument about making it a small series, like 3 games, as well. But again, at some point, someone has to win and someone has to lose and that's just extending things unnecessarily, especially in the Olympics where you only have 2 weeks; we don't want cricket matches.

One last comment, the U.S. team definitely seemed to be the one with better legs last night. They had the pressure on Canada almost the entire overtime period. So, the "right" team came out on top last night.
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Jesse Diggins win Gold in women’s cross country. Easily the BEST event I’ve watched this whole Olympics.

What a fucking beast. Dig deeper than deep, came from behind and passed Sweden at the line.

To add....here is the call. Turn up your sound and enjoy American's doing American things!

That was fucking cool.
Eh! We had to let you guys win a couple. ;-). In all honesty I'd rather see losses in real competitive events, than anything else. This has been a great games so far.

Plus, we are still ahead in the overall medal count. :D:ROFLMAO:
Frites de castor for those of you too lazy to translate is BEAVER FRIES in French. Because, as we all know, Canadians are pretty much French.
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Hockey game was epic. I expect games like that for gold medal. Mikaela won silver in combined....Vonn choked. We won big air silver and half pipe gold. BUT the best part was that gold in Cross country. I havent cried like that since N-sync split up.....I mean go America!!!!!

Hockey game was epic. I expect games like that for gold medal. Mikaela won silver in combined....Vonn choked. We won big air silver and half pipe gold. BUT the best part was that gold in Cross country. I havent cried like that since N-sync split up.....I mean go America!!!!!


Jesse Diggins...that lil filly can cross my country anytime. 8-)
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