A bit late, but I'll join in. Just returned from the field, and I'm finally able to eat something that doesn't come out of an MRE package. Feels good.
internet story so you know it's true said:With the meal, the Vikings would drink skim milk, buttermilk, whey, ALE, and mead (a strong drink made from honey) out of a drinking horn.
Late to the party but I'm in beginning tomorrow (Monday)!
I need to do a bit more digesting (forgive the pun) of the plan...will likely download an app from Apple App Store (any recommendations?) to track. At first glance it appears to be a variation of Atkins?
Any diet that gets you thinking about what you eat is good in my book. Paleo has great principles that I use but I dont stick to straight Paleo. One its just another fad diet IMO. Theres really no proof that our "paleo" ancestors ate what we call the Paleo diet.
Bottom line...dont eat crap! Some people need to adjust their diet for health reasons such as one already mentioned in this post. Then theres celiacs disease and other gluten sensitive issues or lactose intolerant. Not trying to derail yalls 30 day challenge. You will see results for sure. I just hate people drinking the proverbial KOOL-AID.
Cool article. I would rather people drink the kool-aid of paleo, than be fat slobs representing America.
Don't really see paleo as a fad. It's simply not putting a ton of processed junk in your body.
True but i HATE the "thats not paleo bro" statement. Makes me want to slam my head into a wall.
True but i HATE the "thats not paleo bro" statement. Makes me want to slam my head into a wall.
A fad is any form of behavior that develops among a large population and is collectively followed with enthusiasm for some period.
Just checking in...going into the 2nd week and feel better than I have in a long time. Those extra pounds I was trying to burn are melting off; this is really cool! I've been near perfect on the plan, had a couple beers this weekend, but other than that...nada.
I look at amount of processed (machine made chemical shit) that we eat and shake my head - not even interested anymore.
Glad I checked into this one!