Not Work Safe .

There’s pride in your work and then there’s this.

@AWP View attachment 43755

I've seen some pretty horrific cabinets in my time, especially overseas, but one thing about this one sticks out: it has cable management hardware installed, but barely used. The 66 blocks for telephone or whatever were apparently installed by a blind 2 month old gorilla. Then the ONE attempt to do anything with a cable is that lone yellow fiber...which is probably coiled so tight I'm a little surprised it works. What is a "minimum radius" anyway?

The cable density could be worse, the 66 blocks give it some breathing room, there are no glaring power issues, and the lack of red cables in what appears to be a civvie or even a gov't unclassified cabinet all drop this down to a 7 out of 10. In addition tot he fiber, I really dig the obvious dead cables that are left there and it appears some attempt was made to label the cables. The trash in the bottom is a nice touch as is the unused intent to leave some documentation in the cabinet.

This is a solid find. Nicely done.
It reminds me of Bill Murray’s hair in Kingpin at the end when it gets wilder each time it cuts to him. This is in our office. Not in a closet but a passageway we all use multiple times a day. I swear every week the clusterfuck grows worse. This latest find was coming back from vacation and seeing the door to the rack being open so clearly someone was in there working.
Today I learned you can buy kangaroo steaks in Australia.

Now to get manatee on the menu in here in the US...

I had to look. I can get ground kangaroo from Costco and a few other big exotic meat suppliers. I'll enjoy watching my kids faces when I tell them the burgers they just enjoyed were hopping around. Just like the time I fed them alpaca burgers, that's a tasty fuzzball.
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Today I learned you can buy kangaroo steaks in Australia.

Now to get manatee on the menu in here in the US...

When I was staying in Australia for a stretch back in 2008 it was fairly inexpensive meat. I understand that isn't the case as much now, though it's still used in a lot of pet food I am told.

The things seemed to be everywhere like deer here. It may have only felt that way though. Even after three months it still felt like a novelty to see them along the highway all the time.
When I was staying in Australia for a stretch back in 2008 it was fairly inexpensive meat. I understand that isn't the case as much now, though it's still used in a lot of pet food I am told.

The things seemed to be everywhere like deer here. It may have only felt that way though. Even after three months it still felt like a novelty to see them along the highway all the time.

No, your right....they were everywhere in Canberra (2015)....would see at least one road kill every morning. Drove down to the Batesman Bay area and they were in most yards, locals considered them a pest and there wasn't much you could do about them. Still pretty cool animals.
Today I learned you can buy kangaroo steaks in Australia.

Now to get manatee on the menu in here in the US...

When I was staying in Australia for a stretch back in 2008 it was fairly inexpensive meat. I understand that isn't the case as much now, though it's still used in a lot of pet food I am told.

The things seemed to be everywhere like deer here. It may have only felt that way though. Even after three months it still felt like a novelty to see them along the highway all the time.

My kid—the youngest—told me he ate whale sausage. Apparently a friend at work has a Norwegian cousin who sent him some.

I said: Importation of whale meat is illegal.

He said: Yeah, very illegal.

I said: But you cooked it up and ate it, didn’t you?

He said: Of course. When am I gonna get another chance to eat whale sausage?
My crazy uncle (every family has one) brought cat shit coffee to the holiday get- together this year. He paid something like 40 bucks for enough for one pot. Kopi Luwak is supposed to be the best coffee ever, I love coffee, and I'll usually try new food and don't get grossed out. But I couldn't drink coffee knowing that it was shit out of a cat's ass.

Kopi Luwak - Official Website
My crazy uncle (every family has one) brought cat shit coffee to the holiday get- together this year. He paid something like 40 bucks for enough for one pot. Kopi Luwak is supposed to be the best coffee ever, I love coffee, and I'll usually try new food and don't get grossed out. But I couldn't drink coffee knowing that it was shit out of a cat's ass.

Kopi Luwak - Official Website

I would have tried that. I'll try almost anything, once.

Oh, and whale sausage? Had it, didn't particularly like it.

I'm not going out and kill an animal that's on any protected list, but if one ends up dead, or presented to me as food, I'm gonna eat it.
I would have tried that. I'll try almost anything, once.

Oh, and whale sausage? Had it, didn't particularly like it.

I'm not going out and kill an animal that's on any protected list, but if one ends up dead, or presented to me as food, I'm gonna eat it.
I would've tried the whale sausage.

I spent a lot of time in the west/ southwest. Some of my favorite foods are made from parts a lot of people won't eat, especially Sesos and Menudo.