Good golly. I can't tell you how often I violate the "too soon" statute, especially at work. In fact it'll probably come up at my annual evaluation at 2 pm today.
I must be psychic or omniscient. At my eval my boss told me that some of my coworkers aren't sure how to handle my dark humor. I didn't say anything, I just started at her. After a long pause she said, "well, anyhow...." and just moved on to another topic.
I want to preface this and say I’ve never run a full marathon. I wish I had when I was younger but I always hated to run even though I was pretty good at it. My longest run is 20 miles and I did it in 2:12. This puts marathon record times in check.
I want to add, i did a half marathon in 2016 and the finish area was next to the full marathon finish line. About 30 mins after finishing the leaders of the full started coming in around 2:15ish.
Every single one of them looked like a toothpick. Emaciated and anorexic. Not a look I ever want to sport. Nowhere near worth it to me.
Did one marathon, Camp Lejeune, the good news was it was flat, the bad news was it was windy as hell. 4:10. I did it to scratch an itch, to say I've done a marathon. Never again. Never. Again.
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