Not Work Safe .

Lets face it. Americans are lazy and fat. 42% are obese. Things like this contribute, but people have to take responsibility. Get off the iPhone, get out and walk. Thinking deeper, socially, about the subject, I remember how the shopping malls helped form me as a teenager. I had a lot of fun there. We had three malls within 10 miles. Its here I shopped, ate, made friends, met girls, and got exercise. As a latchkey kid, I had to develop social skills. A lot of young men now struggle with lonliness and relationships because they never venture out of their room or house. I personally know several young, single men who've shared this with me. Its become the norm to live life via online and makes it hard to meet girls and friends.
Western civilizations have become fat and lazy.
Wife didn't look at our Amazon cart after piling some things on it and without questioning the total, ordered.

There was a Leica CRF Rangemaster in it that I had forgotten to save for later. And she's not mad at me, lol.

Did the open mic thread get nuked? I was looking for it to post this in there but no joy when searching here and on google.