Adam Kinzinger the RINO that hates real Americans, decided to stage a photo op for a Democrat politician running for office with shooting AR-15"s, ( he recently spoke on banning them for you to use).
This pic says it all, look at that stance LMAO, LOP is incorrect for his arm length, stock is incorrectly placed and too high and will pivot giving the false impression of recoil flip, scope mount is what a tard does who doesn't understand what a cantilever is with an MPVO or even an LPVO, scope being not mounted right makes the CH almost unusable in emergencies for remediate reaction drills, and he's gripping that foregrip like an actual penis when professionals use it to handbrake with while thumbing over bore.
Shooting steel with no frangible rounds, end result a reporter gets hit by shrapnel from shooting steel too close (surprise, surprise), The reporter wasn't injured bad but he was cut and required a trip to the ER (great, he's got another "reason" and going to use that to vilify the AR15 despite all of the ignorance here).
These clowns have no respect for you, your guns our your freedom and they do stupid stuff like this thinking you're too stupid to see the phony reality.
They both most likely pee sitting down.
Vote accordingly.