Real live human centipedeI like the psyops effect of South African policing.
Old clip.That's hilarious.
1) NHTSA’s Crash Test Dummies | NHTSA
They are already in use, so unless this an old clip she is wrong.
2) a. I thought we couldn't define a woman, but we need female representation in crash testing? Which one is it?
b. The gov't as a whole can define a woman, but politicians and judges can't?
There's a Poland ball meme that I cannot find right now, where some mid east "refugee" balls are thinking of messing with a harmless looking smaller shaped German ball out gardening, as they get closer they get a "Guten tag!" From a now even bigger giant German ball looking down at them with a WW2 Kraut helmet on and looking down at them now quivering in fear, haha.