This is ridiculously offensive and may trigger/anger some of you. That said , I’m posting it because some of you are sick fucks and will laugh at/share this.
Are you mocking me? Cause I really feel like you're referring to me.

This is ridiculously offensive and may trigger/anger some of you. That said , I’m posting it because some of you are sick fucks and will laugh at/share this.
They are doing it wrong.
Funny. I sent this to my partners husband. He's a jew. She's an ethnic German.
His grandfather was a US Army troop in WW2. Hers was a Vermacht troop in WW2, on the wall at their home, there's pics of both of them on wall. Lol
I have a coworker, I actually hired him in the ED 15 years ago and now he works in my department, who is very Jewish. He's also very base. I sent it to him, he laughed his ass off.
He said he has a friend who is German and they were joking around, and his friend said "guys, we need to stop joking around. I had a relative die in the holocaust." My buddy Adam said everyone apologized and got serious, then his friend said "my relative fell out of a guard tower at Auschwitz."
They are doing it wrong.
None of us have any control over what our ancestors did, Bro.
Same here. My Irish peeps entered in NC and gradually moved north to the midwest. I had family who fought on both sides. Now, I have family in California who are more embarrassing. Lol. They are my still my peeps.About 4 years ago I got into genealogy. My mother is from eastern North Carolina with significant family from Eastern Virginia, my dad was from Wisconsin. I have found people who fought for the North and the South, slave owners and tenant farmers, and everything in between. It is what it is.
10-15 years ago I had a co-worker whose uncle or great-uncle (I forget) "fought for the Germans" in WWII. I helped find the family member, we even found a picture of him!
In his SS Sicherhiestdienst dress uniform. My man was a no kidding war criminal.
Genealogy is fun.