The year was 1976. A young man who we will just refer to as "Box" played 2d Base and Center Field for the Yankees in the South Baltimore Little League. They played most of their games at what was called "The Coke Fields" next to a Coca-Cola Bottling plant on Fort Avenue. Legend has it that the South Baltimore Little League STILL PLAYS on that field today - but the property next store is the Diamond Back Brewing Company - so they probably don't call it the 'Coke Fields' anymore.
Right across the street from the ball field was "Lou's Cozy Corner"
"Lou's Cozy Corner" was a bar that also made some of the best pizza in South Baltimore, and it was often filled to capacity with Little League baseball players having pizza and coke while their coaches sucked back pitchers of beer.
Win a big game - it was almost guaranteed that the Coaches would spring for pizza for the team while the coaches and parents sat around sipping on suds.
...that's right - I said what I said. It was the 70's kids weren't as important as they are now.
Then there was our coach - great dude - great coach - and he was JUST like the dude in those videos. One particular moment that stands out was a day when we were getting thrashed by the Orioles. This Box kid came to bat in the second inning and got a hit - drove in a run, stole a base, and scored on a bobbled fly ball in the outfield. One more run scored before we went back out in the field and then things went to shit.
When we took the field in the top of the 7th our coach gave us a yell of enthusiasm - ALRIGHT NOW LETS GET THESE GUYS OUT SO YOU CAN GET BACK IN HERE AND HIT - AFTER THE GAME, WE'RE GOING TO "THE COZY"
The kids were stoked 'Mr Phil' still had faith in them - the kids were going to get these guys out and when they came back in, they were going to rally in the bottom of the 7th and WIN the game...
...even though they were down 17 to 3.
This Box kid was playing second base and he heard the 1st baseman curiously quip to the Coach "Mr Phil, are we really going to The Cozy ?? We're losing 17-3!" To which the coach replied without missing a beat - "we sure are, because I need a drink after the way you guys played today"
Box heard parents in the Yankee stands laugh - the shame of hearing the parents laugh at our misfortune was epic...
...but that pizza was fucking delicious