Well I'm just going to say it - as a staff guy that works in an ASCC Headquarters - that slide does not intimidate me one bit.
If we are being honest, I admire the craftsmanship.
I admire the confidence that it took to put such a slide up in the conference room.
I love that the letters do not correlate with the numbered levels.
I love that the colors/country in the legend do not match the color/country on the actual map.
I love that there are two Level-1's
...two Level 2's
...two Level 3's
...a single Level 4
In fact, I "Egg Plant Emoji'd" the post because the glorious inconsistency of that entire slide gave me a raging staff boner...
...the only thing that I can imagine being any better would be if the action officer handed out paper copies of the slide
...but all of the paper copies had been printed in black and white
...on a dot matrix printer
It's times like this that I wish we had a 'Two-Eggplant' emoji to respond with.