82nd ADC(S) Removed; Sent Home from Afghanistan

LMAO!!!!! I imagine Jim Gavin is rolling in his grave right now.

The married general couldn't stay away from a captain on his staff. She fell hard for her boss and called him "Poppa Panda Sexy Pants."


where the Army is girding — for only the third time in half a century — to court-martial one of its generals.

Bales goes to trial in record time, Hasan's just started, and of all the GO misconduct only 3 have gone to trial in a half century? It makes you wonder about the military justice system.
Wonder why the CPT turned herself in?
Maybe she figured he was only interested in Sex?

Didn't the article say that she found out he was sexually involved with another captain, and that's what prompted her to turn him in?
Didn't the article say that she found out he was sexually involved with another captain, and that's what prompted her to turn him in?
Maybe, the 2nd article said he was having relations with multiple females, so she may have become upset. She received a GOMR IIRC, that caps her career at O-3. Hope she enjoys the Army Reserve.
MG Penn, who was an interviewee (one of the MGs looked at for jury duty) in that artical, was my Btn Commander on my first deployment. Too bad he didn't make it on the jury, I'm sure would've been pretty convincing to the other jurors to fry BG Sinclair.

ETA: He was a LTC in 2005 and a COL in 2008, not too shabby on the promotions BG & MG in 5 years , espeically for a NG Infantry officer...
Which brings me back to a point made in one of my posts: how is "forced sex" not "rape" and shouldn't THAT crime warrant time behind bars?

Forced sex...regardless of the "force" applied, be it physical or something else like blackmail or one's career progression, sounds like rape to me so how in the world could anyone even consider anything less than jail?

The Army would basically say "Hey, rape's cool with us." if this guy retires with ANYTHING.

It is due to the Department of Justice definition of rape during the start of the trial. As it was written, rape was only forcible male penile penetration of a female vagina. However, the DoJ formally updated the Uniform Crime Reporting program definition on 3 May 2013.

Pre-2013 Definition by DoJ:
Forcible rape, as defined in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, is the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Attempts or assaults to commit rape by force or threat of force are also included; however, statutory rape (without force) and other sex offenses are excluded.

2013 Re-write by DoJ:
Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This definition includes any gender of victim or perpetrator. Sexual penetration means the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, or by a sex-related object. This definition also includes instances in which the victim is incapable of giving consent because of temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (including due to the influence of drugs or alcohol) or because of age. Physical resistance is not required on the part of the victim to demonstrate lack of consent.
Wonder why the CPT turned herself in?
Maybe she figured he was only interested in Sex?

She is an idiot.

Had to continue using the pre-established fix.

Lead Prosecutor wanted to drop the case when defense proved the CPT lied under oath.
Appears he had a nervous breakdown of sorts, so he was removed (and his career is over).
New JAG is going to need time to look over and press on.

So the Lead JAG says we don't have a case because she lied under oath, and I have to go to trial because of political pressure, violating my oath as an Officer and Lawyer, sprong, bong, pop, ssssss; nervous breakdown.

I think Sinclair had an affair, and he did it with a crazy woman who thought she was going to become Mrs Sinclair. That didn't work out, so she dropped a dime on lover boy, nuking herself in the process.

Combat Arms ought to be fun in a few years.
So this fits in with the SMA's grooming standards?
This case gets stranger and stranger by the day:

Prosection team just got caught witholding evidence; evidence that indicate Undue Command Influence. Which explains the 1st prosecutors apparent nervous breakdown a little better.

Star Witness perjured herself, XVIII Airborne Corps Commander acted inappropriatly, Victim's Advocate (another JAG Officer) acted inappropriately, LTC Running the VA Office is accused of misconduct, Seniors JAG's at Ft Bragg violating the Law to get a conviction, and engaging in pre-trial shenanigans.

I really wish my wife could retire from the Reserves and Civil Service, I am Army'd out.
This whole affair just makes me disgusted. All because two people couldn't keep it in their pants. Between this, the National Guard funeral photo scandal, and the POW/MIA flag photo scandal, I'm surprised the public hasn't gone in more uproar.