A New Beginning

I changed the title of your thread from "Last Post" to "A New Beginning." Clearly it WASN'T your last post here, and this thread doesn't need to be your last thread. Most of us have faced "show stoppers" in the past, only to find another--better--door opened elsewhere. There is no need for you to quit the site simply because you've found your plans to join the military temporarily thwarted, and there is no need to give up on your dream to serve the nation simply because you didn't get what you wanted right away.

Night Stalkers Don't Quit, and neither should you.
Go to uni, do a worthwhile degree that could help with employment outside the military and enjoy life. That degree will help if you either never get into the military or after you leave it.

In four years time you may find something else has sparked your passion too and you'll go in that direction.
I changed the title of your thread from "Last Post" to "A New Beginning." Clearly it WASN'T your last post here, and this thread doesn't need to be your last thread. Most of us have faced "show stoppers" in the past, only to find another--better--door opened elsewhere. There is no need for you to quit the site simply because you've found your plans to join the military temporarily thwarted, and there is no need to give up on your dream to serve the nation simply because you didn't get what you wanted right away.

Night Stalkers Don't Quit, and neither should you.
I agree. I was at MEPS when posted and wasn't in the best mood as you could assume. I took my "week off" and now I'm back in action and ready to work my ass off for the next 4 years.
I agree. I was at MEPS when posted and wasn't in the best mood as you could assume. I took my "week off" and now I'm back in action and ready to work my ass off for the next 4 years.

Very good! Perseverance is a trait that many don't possess, unfortunately! Those that do -- and exercise it properly -- succeed in their endeavors where many fall short and end in failure.

Failure is not always a choice one makes....

But, quitting is ALWAYS a choice that once made, you have to live with it for the rest of your life.

Simply put, don't quit!
When I was in grad school there was a super-motivated and enormously talented undergrad who desperately wanted to be in the Army. Unfortunately, he had an unwaiverable medical condition. So he joined the CIA instead. There are many ways to serve.
When I was in grad school there was a super-motivated and enormously talented undergrad who desperately wanted to be in the Army. Unfortunately, he had an unwaiverable medical condition. So he joined the CIA instead. There are many ways to serve.
That is pretty awesome.
Exactly and I dare say the CIA would get you adrenaline dumps equal to anything in the military from time to time...