Abortion Repeal?

".... Would overturn the law without even knowing what the legal case mayor may not look like."

Well, so much for judicial impartiality...

Protasiewicz stakes claim on abortion

Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewicz has taken an unusual tactic for a judicial candidate, touting her position on a woman's right to choose in her first series of TV advertisements.
"I believe in a woman's freedom to make her own decision on abortion, it's time for a change," Protasiewicz said in her ad.
Wild. Reading back through these pages, I don't hold the same position I did on abortion as I did then. I am way, way more hard-line than I used to be—nothing to do with religion, faith, or anything else.

It's crazy to see people we view as our moral betters say things like this judge and watch folks' reactions.

"Nah, I am trying to kill some kids, regardless of the law, because that's what my political affiliation demands. Fuck them kids." - Supreme Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz (also, what a damn Wisconsin name).

And here we are.
If those are her views and she is looking to drive change, she should be running for a legislative position, not a judicial one.

The fact she came out like that should disqualify her from judicial consideration. Hopefully the people of Wisconsin agree.

Nope. They voted her onto the bench. She starts next month for a 10yr term.