Adult Beverage Mega Thread: Scotch/Whiskey/Rum/Vodka/Etc

There were 600 at Del Bac for Christmas release one weekend...I chose not to drive to Tucson as I didn't want to be murdered in my sleep from having purchased $400 in Whiskey in the days before.
Holy moly, I somehow got myself to Total Wine just in time yesterday to snag an Old Fitzgerald 15 year Bottled in was steep, but for one of those once in a lifetime bottles it's great. Wouldn't be surprised if it tastes like a $60 whiskey, but hell.
Wish I had my darling man tonight. Bourbon alone seems wrong. Early bedtime methinks.
Went down to Del Bac for their tour and tasting. Never had their classic before today, I won't be turning my nose up at it in the store though. The Dorado still takes the cake for me. @amlove21 probably wishes he lived in Tucson so he could just live there after he won our MacGregor bet. Picked up the Winter Release.
Yeah, I’m enjoying a little of it now.
What’s funny is I pretty much grew up around the Beam distillery. Off and on through life.
My second ex-wife had a lot of family who worked there.
Didn’t really matter much to me then, the heritage of the place.
I love the shit out of it now though😋👍