@Cookie_ You made all my points...and....then....counterpoints...

especially after attempting to turn this thread into a racist "gotcha" (especially after your last meme) I'm still trying to figure out what you said - and then didn't say.
"I do think that they may be uninformed or just opposed to/disagreeing with the basis of the studies. " Good One. I think there's an insult buried in there somewhere. Stay in school.
I'm not shitting on your opinion. I'm shitting on your ability to express your opinion concisely.
That meme wasn't supposed to be a "gotcha" type thing.
I was commenting about the fact that I've literally seen people on larger social media sites posting things like "he got what he deserved for being a thug". That was the point of the meme.
Theres no insult in there.
We as humans cannot know everything. We will always have topics in which we are uninformed, or with which we disagree with. If you feel me saying that is insulting, nothing I can say is going to change that, just a difference of opinions then.
No hard feelings intended boss; hell, you ever swing through Colorado I'll buy you a beer.
I don't follow. If race played a factor in the shooting then how are the guys not racist and how is this not race-based?
That comes down to how people view the topics of inherent/institutionalized racism as it plays on an individual level, "casual racism", and then the concept of unconscious bias.
Unconcious bias is pretty easy to understand. That study I shared regarding black men being perceived as more threatening was conducted by asking people to look at a color inverted Male body (minus head), and judge sized after giving a primer to state whether that person was black or white. When primed the image was black, participants saw the body as larger.
Casual racism(where I'd stick race based FYI) is also what most of us probably remember as just being racial stereotyping. "Most minorities are criminals"/"black men are more violent", as two easily seen examples.
We have our out-and-out racists, which is your hatred for others/slurs/targeted crimes live.
The inherent/institutionalized racism is the belief that society and its systems itself are racist; some go further and beleive that individuals, who use these systems also racist. IE, the McMicheals are racist because they used the system (which backs whites) to pursue Arbery.
I'm not an inherent racism at individual level guy, so I wont say the shooting was in and of itself racist.
I won't currently say the shooting is race based, because we at least have enough information to know Arbery was there multiple times. Granted, they also only assumed he was armed because he had put his hand in his pants a previous night; perhaps stereotyping, but that's how muddy these discussions get.
ETA: Getting into any more race stuff is likely to get this thread off track, so if anyone wants to continue this line of discussion more we should either make a new thread or take it to DMs.