All things Star Wars

Heading out to see it a 2nd time. Really looking forward to just enjoying the story this time around, instead of trying to figure things out as they go.
It was solid.

With the last two movies, Disney has far exceeded anything Lucas put together since the original (Episode IV), especially Episodes 1 - 3. Further confirmation that the best thing for the franchise was to get him out of it.
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It was solid.

With the last two movies, Disney has far exceeded anything Lucas put together since the original (Episode IV), especially Episodes 1 - 3. Further confirmation that the best thing for the franchise was to get him out of it.

He lost me once with the ewoks and again with Jar Jar Binks.
It was solid.

With the last two movies, Disney has far exceeded anything Lucas put together since the original (Episode IV), especially Episodes 1 - 3. Further confirmation that the best thing for the franchise was to get him out of it.
I haven't seen Rogue One, so I can't comment on it, but The Force Awakens is below the prequels in my book because of how much of a copy and paste of Episode IV it is.
Why do people hate the ewoks?


Sometimes I cannot tell if you are being serious or cracking a joke. For the sake of me being an Ewok "hater", I will assume you are serious.

In a nut shell, people hate Ewoks because they stand out as a primary furry example of George Lucas attempting to write "fun" creatures into his movies that could be turned into merchandise. He insisted that his 'stories' were written for children, and has gone on record expressing his resentment towards the fans who complained about such things. A few bits of trivia:

- The term "ewok" was never uttered in Return of the Jedi (the movie they were in)
- Empire Strikes Back is the only film of the first 6 that Lucas did not have a hand in writing. It is also easily the favorite of the fans -

Give us the story we want, not the one you think we deserve.

Leave it to South Park to visually describe what George Lucas did to the Star Wars franchise by making those shit prequels...

I haven't seen Rogue One, so I can't comment on it, but The Force Awakens is below the prequels in my book because of how much of a copy and paste of Episode IV it is.
I felt the same way going in to see Rogue One. It's nothing like The Force Awakens, if you get a chance go see it. Even watching it in crappy seats with shitty 3-D it was spectacular.
“Sorry”: The Wedge Antilles Problem – The Star Wars Report I hoped Wedge would make an appearance in Rogue One and The Force Awakens but alas, no joy. The above link tells a good 2nd story arc though.

As for Rogue One, it stands alone. Go see it.
When I first heard about it (around when it was first announced), I thought it was going to be about Rogue Squadron. I was super disappointed when I found out it wasn't involved with them in any way.
Saw it last night with the missus. Loved it. Overall feel is much grittier than the previous installments. Despite being titled Star Wars, I really felt like I was watching a war film instead of a Star Wars.
What a movie. The ending doesn't play into the typical tried and true cliches of the other films and holy fucking shit does Darth Vader steal the show or what?

Fun fact- the man in charge of rebooting Godzilla was also Rouge 1's director, and did it ever show (in a good way mind you): the ATAT's arrival and Vader's two entrances were amazing.
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