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I am surprised at the number of fans who are bitter about Tarkin and Leia making a CGI'd appearance. When I went back to watch it the 2nd time I really looked at Tarkin, what are you looking for? A recast actor?

Not me. I was tickled that they did such an outstanding job on his CGI'd face and once I realized what they had done, forgot about it and really enjoyed his scenes.

This short YouTube clip does a really good job of explaining the process of how they brought them back.

I thought it was amazing. Especially the Third Act.

They did this too, and it adds to the awesomeness for me.
A Secret Group Of Veterans Played Rebels In The New ‘Star Wars’ Movie
Sweet clickbait title Task and Purpose...they continue to suck at life.

It was solid.

With the last two movies, Disney has far exceeded anything Lucas put together since the original (Episode IV), especially Episodes 1 - 3. Further confirmation that the best thing for the franchise was to get him out of it.
The Force Awakens was complete garbage, but thanks for playing.
The second best part about the movie was the trailer for Dunkirk.

R1 had enough tie-ins with Episode 4 to keep it together without being overshadowed by Ep4. There were enough to remind you but they weren't in the way of the story. Given the Tarkin and Leia CGI, you have to wonder if they can do something similar to "gap" the original movies. How do you go from blowing up the Death Star to shivering on Hoth for example.
I am surprised at the number of fans who are bitter about Tarkin and Leia making a CGI'd appearance. When I went back to watch it the 2nd time I really looked at Tarkin, what are you looking for? A recast actor?

Not me. I was tickled that they did such an outstanding job on his CGI'd face and once I realized what they had done, forgot about it and really enjoyed his scenes.

This short YouTube clip does a really good job of explaining the process of how they brought them back.

I thought they overdid Tarkin a little bit - they were definitely in uncanny valley territory. I think it could have been done more effectively using some filming techniques to not have him so front and center. Still, didn't think it was that bad - just could have been done better. I thought the Leia one was perfect. I really enjoyed the rest of the easter eggs though - especially the use of the squadron leaders from episode IV.

I really enjoyed the force awakens in theaters but on reflection thought it wasn't a very good movie. Still, an improvement over episodes 1-3.

Care to share?
Pretty simple...let's just redo A New Hope, same exact premise, let's make the Republic look like complete shit, (which if you read the books, was sort of true), rather than go with something that was in the EU. In truth, the New Republic still has a fleet and is mopping up the Empire's forces as they are still very powerful. The War didn't end at Yavin, if anything it just started there.

The dialogues were short, choppy and lacked any depth to them.

Whereas if you look at Rogue One, you go back to the old films with long and important dialogues made better by solid acting.

As far as Tarkin was concerned, the actor did the Tarkin voice himself, I just thought they could have done it with make up and prosthetics since his features were pretty similar.
Rogue One was much better than the Force Awakens. TFA was basically a 2 hour "Previously, on Star Wars" intro with new characters. "Next verse, same as the first." Not a bad movie, but it didn't live up to the hype.
Carrie Fisher has heart attack at 60

Carrie Fisher suffers heart attack on transatlantic flight | Daily Mail Online

Carrie Fisher suffered a heart attack on board a transatlantic flight, it has been claimed.

The Star Wars legend was traveling from London to LA when she is said to have gone into cardiac arrest.

Fellow passengers resorted to giving the 60-year-old CPR, TMZ reports.

The website claims the actress's health episode occurred around 15 minutes before landing.

She was rushed to hospital upon landing.

According to the website, a paramedic on board the flight rushed to help the starlet after flight attendants asked if anyone had medical experience.
First half was slow but necessary to fit the plot pieces together.
Second half completely made up for any first half criticisms in every regard.

The dogfighting (both in the atmosphere and in space), the guerilla warfare, and the all-out melee and shooting were stellar and had more of the feel of the original trilogy. The plot filled in a lot of holes in the Star Wars universe for those who don't read the books, and it stamped the importance of the Rebellion to the next trilogy in such a perfectly tragic way.

They also did a great job being minimalist where it counted, such as with the presence of Jedi and screen time for Darth Vader. Both have been oversaturated in past movies, and keeping these things to a minimum helped replenish the sense of awe and legend that should be felt around those figures, especially as they seemed to your average Rebel or Force-believer (RIP Chirrut!). That corridor stalk was such a satisfying scene.

Having new characters also kept it from falling back onto tired plot tools and characters to keep up interest in the story, and they mostly did great jobs. Lead actress was great (also more of a looker than Rey; YMMV), loved the intel guy and the pilot.

My single gripe in this movie was Forest Whitaker's character. I'm not concerned with whether or not he was an important character in the books; if they had wanted him in the movie, they should have done a much better job of communicating his purpose in being there in the first place. They just unceremoniously dropped this character into the plot with unclear reasons for him doing just about everything he did (how he got connected to the lead gal's parents, why he left the Rebellion, why he was necessary for her to get the script from him when the pilot could've given it to her, etc.). And then, they kill him off anyways. He was just a weird transition character that did nothing to advance the plot.

Overall this was an easy winner compared to Episode VII: An Old Hope.
Lead actress was great (also more of a looker than Rey; YMMV)
Agree with pretty much everything except this. I thought Rey was gorgeous and this gal just so-so. Characters and situations aside (makeup etc.), the actress' teeth just bugged me.
Sorry Dame, disagree. Felicity Jones is smoking :D

Will be seeing this again tomorrow!

I did like seeing the small characters brought in....Red Leader and such. Enjoyed the new robot.
Agree with pretty much everything except this. I thought Rey was gorgeous and this gal just so-so. Characters and situations aside (makeup etc.), the actress' teeth just bugged me.
Sure, but a pretty face has only so much mileage on a twiggy body, especially if you're just the poor man's Kiera Knightley. The sultry face/mouth and smoking body is what easily put Babs Bunny above Rey.
What I want to know is how Ep7 has a 97% Fresh rating, and Rogue One has critics, I need to get that job, because they don't know shit.