American Ninja Warrior...

I am becoming such a fan of Jessie Graff, and enjoy how excited the announcers always are for her success.
Weatherman did pretty damn good...good run

Agreed. The one mistake and your done aspect of the show really gets me. There are no do-overs. Either you win...or you lose.


To add:

HOLY CRAP! Geoff Britten falls on the first freaking obstacle!!!
Yeah Kacy had no chance, she fell off in the city finals on the 2nd obsticle...

I was sad to see Meagan Martin didn't add to the female list for stage 2!!!:wall:

That kid Josh Levin is a stud...he fell and made it up the wall with just his fingertips.

Jake Murray with the fanny pack.....well done..everyone was like whats in the bag?!?!?!?:ninja:

Yeah Kacy had no chance, she fell off in the city finals on the 2nd obsticle...

I was sad to see Meagan Martin didn't add to the female list for stage 2!!!:wall:

That kid Josh Levin is a stud...he fell and made it up the wall with just his fingertips.

Jake Murray with the fanny pack.....well done..everyone was like whats in the bag?!?!?!?:ninja:

I get to watch it tomorrow.