American Ninja Warrior...

I get to watch tomorrow, but think losing $1M last year caused them to up the difficulty.

Can't make money if people can run the course.
2 guys thru stage 2, bummed Jessie and Josh Levin didn't make it...

I had no doubt the wedge would come back, but to double it up was evil!!!:ninja:
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Watching some re-runs tonight. Part of the appeal of this show is that everyone has the same course, same time constraints, same standards. Regardless of sex.
Been watching some re-runs as well. Didn't see Flip this year. I believe he is one of the better competitors.
Flip is one crazy individual. He made that obstacle look easy, even with that little hiccup. That's too bad to hear that he didn't make it to stage 2 however. There is always next year.