An Example of Utterly Useless "Intelligence"


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Hm, according to "intelligence," it looks like there might be an attack on September 11th of this year. Who knew? :rolleyes:

Better watch out, the threat is "credible" and "specific."

The "credibility:"
-unnamed "U.S. officials"
-The reliability if the sources was unknown.
-specific threat information came in "very, very recently," but no one will say exactly when

The "specifics"
-the threat "so far" was a 5 to 6 on a scale of 10.
-Intelligence from Pakistan indicated the threat might involve car bombs and might target bridges or tunnels
-The intelligence was not specific about who might carry out the attack and what the targets might be
-Three unidentified people may be tied to the threat information, but it was uncertain where they were or if they exist

So, to sum up, the "intelligence" we have is that someone, maybe in Pakistan, might be interested in attacking someone or something, somewhere in the U.S., at some time around a politically significant date. Maybe. We don't know.

YOU THINK???? :thumbsdown:

If this is what passes for "intelligence" these days, I need to get out of the business altogether. This kind of thing serves only two purposes- top cover for elected and appointed officials ("See? We told you something was going to happen, you can't blame me!") and serves the ends of the terrorists- we're terrorizing ourselves now, they don't even have to do it anymore.

Taking precautions is always a good idea. Overreacting to mere rumor- which is all that is conveyed by the article- is counterproductive.
Just read this and had to shake my head. Everytime I see the terms "unnamed source" or "official speaking on the condition of anonymity" I want to punch walls.
Wait a minute an "Intelligence Officer" is finely admitting that "Intelligence is Utterly Useless":-":sneaky::p


Now, now, don't misquote me brother, this is "an example of utterly useless intelligence." My intelligenceness, on the other hand, is 100% accurate, timely, pertinent, and useful. ;)
Sir, I felt this way when we rolled out the color alert system.

Yellow, orange, red. Total bullshit.

That color code nonsense also came out around the same time we started using that "Homeland" rhetoric. Prior to that, in this country, it was ALWAYS "domestic", as in "we must set our domestic agenda", or, "we must look after our domestic security". The term "Homeland" sounded like it came right out of a novel describing language used by some fictional fascist regime.

I challenge anyone to find American leaders referring to policy using the term "Homeland" prior to 9/11.
Sir, I felt this way when we rolled out the color alert system.

Yellow, orange, red. Total bullshit.

That color code nonsense also came out around the same time we started using that "Homeland" rhetoric. Prior to that, in this country, it was ALWAYS "domestic", as in "we must set our domestic agenda", or, "we must look after our domestic security". The term "Homeland" sounded like it came right out of a novel describing language used by some fictional fascist regime.

I challenge anyone to find American leaders referring to policy using the term "Homeland" prior to 9/11.

I meant to add an analogy to the color-code system in my initial post, I'm glad you brought it up.
Yeah this is complete and utter BS. I could have told you the same thing.

Agreed....with possible targets being oh i don't know.....ALL the football stadiums that have a game on Opening day...which happens to be 11 SEP :confused: Why would we put ourselves in such a position?
I think our Intel community has ADHD:

"We have a report that Al Qaeda plans to OH, LET'S RIDE BIKES!"
Can you have clip art for those of us that love the pretty colors?
Sorry Chop. They've recently replaced the pretty colors. New toy is the National Terrorism Advisory System, or "NTAS." From the NTAS site:
Q1 – What will happen to the color-coded advisory system?

A - The new National Terrorism Advisory System replaces the Homeland Security Advisory System that has been in place since 2002. The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS, will include information specific to the particular credible threat, and will not use a color-coded scale.
Sir, I felt this way when we rolled out the color alert system.

Yellow, orange, red. Total bullshit.

That color code nonsense also came out around the same time we started using that "Homeland" rhetoric. Prior to that, in this country, it was ALWAYS "domestic", as in "we must set our domestic agenda", or, "we must look after our domestic security". The term "Homeland" sounded like it came right out of a novel describing language used by some fictional fascist regime.

I challenge anyone to find American leaders referring to policy using the term "Homeland" prior to 9/11.

If I'm to be quite honest, the perception around the world now is that America is borderline tolitarian now and has lost their marbles in general.
This kind of thing serves only two purposes- top cover for elected and appointed officials ("See? We told you something was going to happen, you can't blame me!") and serves the ends of the terrorists- we're terrorizing ourselves now, they don't even have to do it anymore.

Taking precautions is always a good idea. Overreacting to mere rumor- which is all that is conveyed by the article- is counterproductive.

Sir, you're assuming that the purpose of putting out this "intelligence" is to be productive in the first place. It does serve a third purpose. To look productive.
1. Put out a rumor that something might happen.
2. Make sure to conduct lots of activity around said something.
3. When nothing happens (or even if it does) take credit for the "prevention" or "warning" as the case may be.
4. Insist to Congress that more tax payer dollars/layers of control are needed to continue vigilance.


Now, now, don't misquote me brother, this is "an example of utterly useless intelligence." My intelligenceness, on the other hand, is 100% accurate, timely, pertinent, and useful. ;)
No wonder you say you've pissed too many people off. ;)
But that said, to say you've prevented it to Congress would require some solid evidence, right?
If nothing happens dear leader can claim he foiled another plot.
If they try something, dear leader can claim credit for telling the FBI to arrest said morons.