Do you think ANTIFA is a terrorist group?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%

  • Total voters
No. 8 years ago the left was trying to make the Tea Party out to be a far Right terror or extremist group. I know statistically there are good people in the ANTIFA movement, as there are good people in most activist organizations. I won’t label a group “terrorists” just because I don’t agree with them. That’s a recurring issue in this country- “we don’t agree, so instead of finding common ground or agreeing to disagree, I’ll just paint with a broad brush and judge you all by the actions of a few.” And that’s just easier for humans because we didnt evolve to have nuance. Are they annoying and do I make fun of them via memes? Yes. Are they terrorists? No.
I would say that even with the rioting and idiot mobs that pop up around the country, they haven't reached the level of "terrorism" yet. Now, that's not to say they can't. There's several anti-American groups affiliated with these clowns, and some of the people who show up are armed and waiting to do more than vandalize. There are armed socialist/liberal groups out there, they might be one more SC justice or presidential term from flipping out.
No, because if their goal is to put fear in people,
I don't think they are very successful. With exception, they mostly just make asses of themselves on a regular basis.
Of course they are. It's a Black Bloc movement and mostly communist. The "Anti-Fascist" is just a cover and what gets people interested.. Because of course.. Who would be pro fascism?.. In reality they are anti American government.

We've talked about these groups before here.
In order to be a terrorist you have to create terror...and you don't create terror shouting obscenities, chucking rocks and beating up a few republicans. That's baby school. You create terror by killing as many innocent people as you can in one attack.

They claim to be communists, socialists and anarchists. I bet none of them have ever read The Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital and wouldn't know Karl from Groucho.

Wake me up when these asshats get real.
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Using the definition you provided, ANTIFA still doesn't fit that bill entirely, have they gotten into riots and fights with the alt-right? Yeah definitely. But do they actively cause violence and intimidation against civilians on a first action basis? No.

They're definitely an aggresive group following less the ghandi school of thought, but as @Ocoka said, wake me up when they start going full tilt into Weather Underground and mailing packages.
There aren't enough Nazis and KKK members to attack so they go after Trump supporters and anybody who looks like a Republican. I mean, if you're gonna call yourself ANTIFA, find a real fascist somewhere.

@SaintKP mentions the Weather Underground. They wanted to overthrow the US government. Yeah, hahaha, with a couple hundred radical college nerds trying to make bombs, half of which they managed to blow themselves up...and the bombs that worked, they issued warnings before the detonations to prevent casualties. Good luck with the revolution. I'd say they barely qualified as terrorists, compared to Baader Meinhof, The Red Brigades, the PLO, etc
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Using the definition you provided, ANTIFA still doesn't fit that bill entirely, have they gotten into riots and fights with the alt-right? Yeah definitely. But do they actively cause violence and intimidation against civilians on a first action basis? No.

I haven't actually seen them attack too many alt-right groups. Maybe in Charlottesville , just some of the more right leaning patriot groups. If they were actually against fascists, I'm sure that groups like patriot prayer and proud boys would be right there beside them.

The comparison to the Weather Underground is obvious because they are both considered black bloc.

A militant arm will become more militant.
ANTIFA is one of those weird "group but not a group" type things, as in, there is no structure in the groups or goal other than "Anti-fascist". I don't think clashes at protests/marches quite makes them a terrorist group. If it did, we'd add the Proud Boys and Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights to the same list as well.
Now, if we see members start to act like the aforementioned Weather Underground, my opinion would change.
A little off topic but if we are going to be polite and not label them terrorists then why is the other side of the coin labeling us? Yes, PC really isn't my thing.

White male 'gun nuts' are 'biggest terrorist organization on the planet,' Tennessee Dem ally wrote online: report

Just another reflection of our Twenty-First Century pre-pubescent American culture of crybaby bitches and the morally outraged who wage middle-school warfare by calling people names and trading insults. Look at any political campaign ad. That's all we do nowadays. Our President does it, his opponents do it, and just about every swinging dick with an opinion does it...and nobody really knows what the fuck they're talking about. It's all regurgitated rhetoric. There's no teeth in it, and very little truth.

A few white males have committed some terrorist acts. Timothy McVeigh & Company. The Vegas sniper. But this Tennessee retard, like ANTIFA, is just spouting empty invective. It's all about being the loudest shouter, who can hurl the most shit for whatever side he's on. But that doesn't make you a terrorist.
A little off topic but if we are going to be polite and not label them terrorists then why is the other side of the coin labeling us? Yes, PC really isn't my thing.

White male 'gun nuts' are 'biggest terrorist organization on the planet,' Tennessee Dem ally wrote online: report

I think this goes into the whole idea of playing tit for tat, I think we can all agree that words and what we use to define them are significant. Just because the minority of one side sticks its nose up doesnt mean the other should just go and play the I'm rubber and you're glue game.
Just another reflection of our Twenty-First Century pre-pubescent American culture of crybaby bitches and the morally outraged who wage middle-school warfare by calling people names and trading insults. Look at any political campaign ad. That's all we do nowadays. Our President does it, his opponents do it, and just about every swinging dick with an opinion does it...and nobody really knows what the fuck they're talking about. It's all regurgitated rhetoric. There's no teeth in it, and very little truth.

A few white males have committed some terrorist acts. Timothy McVeigh & Company. The Vegas sniper. But this Tennessee retard, like ANTIFA, is just spouting empty invective. It's all about being the loudest shouter, who can hurl the most shit for whatever side he's on. But that doesn't make you a terrorist.

The ability to say something to thousands, if not millions, of people immediately is just awful in the hands of anyone who wants to stroke their own ego. Unfortunately, the people lost likely to engage in dick waving tend to be the people with the best reach. Monkeys see, monkeys do.
They have become terroristic in nature.
Look at the Portland video where they chase the old man in his car.
They are organized, have a funding source (Soros), and have threatened armed violence.
Irf the Michigan Militia is a terrorist organization, then AntiFa fits the mold.
That's the thing about Leftists. They don't know guns and they don't know how to fight. They're not military, they're not brawlers. They just think they're badasses cuz they dress in black. Faced with real opposition, they fold.