Do you think ANTIFA is a terrorist group?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%

  • Total voters
Yes. I think they are. Just because they are not at the level of ISIS or any other cunt group, does not mean they cannot get to that level. I know for a fact, at least in my AO, local chapters are being investigated and considered a terror based group by homeland security. Just because you're not clacking off vests in a hospital or public venue, doesn't make the other nonsense, pipe bombs, assaults, burning buildings and the such, any less terror like.

I have a bad feeling that these retards will commit larger crimes and it's been proven that they can coordinate.

There will also come a day that folks, Patriots will get tired of their shit and start splitting wigs. I don't condone violence but folks can only be pushed so far.

It's definitely a powder keg. I used to laugh at em, I still do but a certain subset of retard involved will fire the first shot, so to speak.
They have become terroristic in nature.
Look at the Portland video where they chase the old man in his car.
They are organized, have a funding source (Soros), and have threatened armed violence.
Irf the Michigan Militia is a terrorist organization, then AntiFa fits the mold.

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons....appears that way to me