Do you think ANTIFA is a terrorist group?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%

  • Total voters
It is possible to realize ANTIFA is at best a bunch of dumb as fuck young people, and at worst commies. It's also possible to realize that the proud boys are more of a group of organized trolls than anything else.

Both are full of idiots.

Yes, the world is full of idiots. I've heard that all the cool people hangout on though
I detest them, they stick there nose in protest and just cause problems for both sides....they are the instigators and use (any) protest as a way to cause chaos. But a terrorist group, as we define them, no......not yet.

Bingo. They are simply another group of agitators that invade groups with their agendas and routinely instigate violence and then vacate the premises. They are simply thugs that go around looking for ready-made scenarios to further their trash.
Bingo. They are simply another group of agitators that invade groups with their agendas and routinely instigate violence and then vacate the premises. They are simply thugs that go around looking for ready-made scenarios to further their trash.[/QUOTE

Lets face it, all this protesting accomplishes nothing positive..well, maybe some Youtube videos that satisfy my morbid curiosity is somewhat positive
All is millinials trying to act tough. Very entertaining. The PB vid was hilarious( thxs @Florida173). Just added a new level of humor to it all. Hope they waste each other so I can laugh more. Buncha retards.
Until I start getting pipe bombs in my Tagalongs & Samoas or Anthrax in my flour with a letter saying to join the revolution I'm going to keep sleeping peacefully in the college town I'm at.
What a lot of these groups provide is an outlet for those people who are already on the fringes of committing violence because they hate "_____". The group gives them something to belong to regardless of the groups true purpose. This is America and we are going to have groups like them ever so often. I have been working them for the last 30 years and my younger brothers will be working them for the next 30. When on them feel they are being ignored to the point they are no longer relevant, well then...they may act out in a *terroristic* manner to make them relevant again. For what it's worth, that's just my opinion. I am probably wrong again...:sneaky:
maybe I'm in the minority, but these little punk bitch ANTIFA clowns are just not all that terrifying to me.
To me, their cute little Scream movie Halloween costumes just make them look more like ass clowns.
I think some of them actually just like to play dress up with their friends.
A little off topic but if we are going to be polite and not label them terrorists then why is the other side of the coin labeling us? Yes, PC really isn't my thing.

White male 'gun nuts' are 'biggest terrorist organization on the planet,' Tennessee Dem ally wrote online: report
I personally don't let this label bother me at all. I love guns, own several, but I also don't want any trouble with anyone and I believe in "live and let live". So, no, not a terrorist. What bothers me is the bullshit tactic of labeling all gun owners as "nuts" in order to fulfill their liberal agenda.
I think Antifa regularly commits acts that meet just about any of the commonly-accepted definitions of "terrorism." Just because they kind of suck at terrorism... for now... doesn't mean they're not terrorists. And it doesn't mean they won't get worse.

They are absolutely terrorists and should be treated as such.

Definitions of terrorism - Wikipedia
I think Antifa regularly commits acts that meet just about any of the commonly-accepted definitions of "terrorism." Just because they kind of suck at terrorism... for now... doesn't mean they're not terrorists. And it doesn't mean they won't get worse.

They are absolutely terrorists and should be treated as such.

Definitions of terrorism - Wikipedia

Terrorist Lite sir?
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Shitty terrorists, but terrorists nonetheless. And if they keep getting coddled and not held to account by the police, it's going to get worse. They are going to get bolder, and people are going to start taking things into their own hands. Neither of those is good for our country.
Shitty terrorists, but terrorists nonetheless. And if they keep getting coddled and not held to account by the police, it's going to get worse. They are going to get bolder, and people are going to start taking things into their own hands. Neither of those is good for our country.

Agreed, despite the levity of my earlier post I couldn't agree more. Question is, what can we do about this potential escalation?
Agreed, despite the levity of my post I couldn't agree more. Question is, what can we do about this potential escalation?

We need legislation and political support to enable the police to do their jobs. To some degree I don't blame the Portland PD; if they go in there and start arresting people they're going to get their asses sued off. Antifa's victims probably don't have standing to sue, and they're outnumbered by leftists who will vote against the mayor if he's seen as "alt-Right" or "fascist." So, they stand there and do nothing.

But that's not OK. We don't need new laws, we need to enforce the ones we have. Endangering people on the street and holding them hostage on the Interstate, for example, infringes on the rights of others. We need to act on those types of things before more people get hurt.
I think that girl enjoys the attention. Googling her name provides some rather adult-like entertainment.

Borderline, attention seeking behavior. That’ll work ;) ...and thanks for the tip, I have to replemish my stash!
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