Anyone not use microwave ovens because of....microwaves?


Sep 12, 2012
A friend of mine recently told me that she has not used a microwave in over 10 years. She quoted numerous studies that say microwaves change the molecular makeup of the food, and those changes have been tied to an increase in autism and other assorted horrible things.

I've Googled a bit...the more the FDA says "within safe standards" the more nervous I get. LOL

Any opinions?
My bean burritos and reheated coffee don’t mind the microwaves. When I was single I probably used a microwave more but cooking for 5 now days does not really make sense.
Could have sworn the only thing microwaves do is generate radio waves that cause the water molecules in your food to vibrate, which generates heat and warms said food product.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about microwaves or the "studies" she's quoting, they're probably a bunch of hooey.

As for the FDA's safe standards, could have sworn that they said something about grilled meat being bad for you due to carcinogens.
edit: Made comment about vaccines that shouldn't have been here. I'm an idiot.
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FDA: Microwave Ovens

"To ensure that microwave ovens are safe, manufacturers are required to certify that their microwave oven products meet the strict radiation safety standard created and enforced by the FDA.

Microwave energy will not leak from a microwave in good condition."
I had a teacher who threw out his microwave and reheated everything on his stove or in his convection oven. Did that for awhile, but who the hell has time for that?
Tbh, I don’t know whether to laugh or be concerned that you of all people are concerned about the microwave... I would never have imagined it, but fwiw, I feel guilty I’m not concerned enough. So in a valiant effort to be more concerned, I try to cook more. But then I got really concerned about the non-stick coating coming off. So I’ve gone stainless steel. I feel much better about it, except, we eat out often...
I feel like this is one of those situations where the danger is over exaggerated some, if were going to be completely honest with ourselves everything out there can kill us or do us harm. It's all about moderation. Does this mean I'm going to use my microwave with the door open? No of course not, I'd still like kids someday.

However it does mean I will not give up my beer, bacon, sun tan, or various forms of fire roasted red meats just because it has the chance of giving me cancer. I feel as if I'd die sooner from stressing over what can and can't kill me.
A friend of mine recently told me that she has not used a microwave in over 10 years. She quoted numerous studies that say microwaves change the molecular makeup of the food, and those changes have been tied to an increase in autism and other assorted horrible things.

I've Googled a bit...the more the FDA says "within safe standards" the more nervous I get. LOL

Any opinions?
Ask to see the studies.
Autism isn’t caused by microwaves, but there is a study that wearing a tinfoil hat, placing your head in a microwave and giving yourself a brief 30 second burst will no doubt modify your behaviour.

To answer the original question, my partner doesn’t use one because she thinks there’s some bad ju ju at work. No proof, but she’s adamant.
I wear my tin foil cowboy hat and lead weight belt when I microwave my macncheese. Stops the alien and CIA intrusions as a side benefit too.
FYI- Keeping your cellie in the right front pocket works better than any enhancement pill I have been abusing as well...good luck freaks.
I am more concerned about living near power lines or cell phones in my pocket.

My wife doesn't want kids, so I put my phone in my lap under my "jewels" while in my wheelchair. Less painful than a snip snip.}:-):ROFLMAO::hmm: