Anyone not use microwave ovens because of....microwaves?

True story. The locations and countries involved were not changed to protect their identities...

FOB Ghazni. There used to be a radar site there, one that was in place since about 2006/ early 2007. Either the US Army or the Polish Battlegroup decided to build a pretty spiffy TOC. Large hardened facility, nice wrap around porch for chilling and sipping non-alcoholic beer, nice workspaces, etc.

The building goes up and the Polish start complaining about the radar giving them brain cancer. The Army, USAF, and contractors assure the Poles that the radar poses no threat to their health. Undeterred, the PBG presses the issues until an environment health assessment was done; it too found nothing wrong. Since I'm typing this....

...the Polish weren't satisfied. They moved the main entrance and ECP to the back of the facility. The interior layout? Changed The windows? Covered in tinfoil. The porch? remains the same and at least a dozen guys were out there during my visits. The windows? Yep, still covered in tinfoil.

Don't let science stand in the way of your dreams and if that doesn't work? Tinfoil. Lots of tinfoil.
Considering that in order to work on live 5G towers, a faraday suit is required... where they could work on live towers prior without it... something to be said.

Just saying that sometimes the most insane, questioning things.....might be the sanest of us all.

I would not work on live towers or live power lines. 5G is going to be cool but safe? More research would be helpful.

5G NR: The New Radio interface for 5G

Totally depends on on the application. Dense population environments (air interface) will use lower frequency and power (unlike 2G, more power = more interference). Of course long range backhaul will use traditional point-to-point MW until fiber optic backbone is available.


The innovation of 5G is large scale mimo (more better antennas) and increased processing power on the device requiring ALL users to upgrade their phones/dongles in order to use 5Gs capabilities such as beam forming.

As noted below, beam forming is pretty damn cool and increases efficiency (aka better quality of service).
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