Best Military Movie of All Time

You from Maine??
Yes haha

The chick from top gun being gay makes her an awesome lesbian.

South Park is ssssstupid.

I though Revision would give us all new shwag for picking the winner, Top Gun.

Val Kilmer is an enormous homo, I'll give you that.

But who here can really say anything about anything gay. I know damn well that some of the battalion guys here know about a game called "Gay chicken"...

Boon? ;)
Portland/Bar Harbor. Favorite places on earth. I have some friends that live in Brunswick, Bath area.

I rode my Harley to Bar Harbor one year, hung out, did some hiking.
Really nice country, I had a good time and stuffed my face with lobster every night.
It was getting cold at night and it was only August, winter must be brutal.
I rode my Harley to Bar Harbor one year, hung out, did some hiking.
Really nice country, I had a good time and stuffed my face with lobster every night.
It was getting cold at night and it was only August, winter must be brutal.
Winter is horrible. I don't like snow, even more so ice. Cadillac Mt is mt favorite place to ride hardtail. MTN Bike that is. And not to get off subject, but what do you ride? I HAD an 07 Night Train. Ex made me sell out though :(
Winter is horrible. I don't like snow, even more so ice. Cadillac Mt is mt favorite place to ride hardtail. MTN Bike that is. And not to get off subject, but what do you ride? I HAD an 07 Night Train. Ex made me sell out though :(

'06 FatBoy :cool:

or "the Brige on the River Kwai" ?

Someone had it in there.
Maybe I should watch it again, I got kinda turned off of that movie once I found out the veterans from the actual event hated the movie because it was an incredibly incorrect portrayal of what happened.
How come "the Bridges at Toko-Ri" is not on this list?
or "the Brige on the River Kwai" ?
Stalag 17
Slaughterhouse 5
Beau Geste
The Charge of the Light Brigade

Not gay. Excellent movies.

Cuz the rest of us are too young to have ever seen those movies... }:-)

Where the fuck is Greenpeace to float that whale off at high tide when you need them.

I will add The Odd Angry Shot as the most epic movie of all time.
Winning the 'Most Historically Accurate' and 'Best War Drama' category- Inglorious Basterds

Come on, that movie was awesome.
I am just going to go ahead and join up with Rage here and say Top Gun is not gay. Not one bit, close at times, but I think those scenes were meant to attract a small female audience to what is the most badassed testosterone fueled tomahawk missle to the eyes that has ever been made.

Has no one mentioned GLADIATOR? That movie has inspired more team slogans and stupid tattoos than any other movie.
Yeah, you always hear people saying things like-
"How dare you turn your back on me Gladiator"
"I am Marcus Aurelius, general of the armies of the north, husband of a murdered wife, father of a murdered son..."
"I said he touched me on the hand once!"

See, Gladiator is full of memorable one liners.