Tonight is Branch Night at West Point. In my opinion, this is the second-best event that West Point does (graduation is #1). For those who don't know, this is the night when cadets find out in which career field they will start their Army careers. Since the branching process is highly competitive, and it has taken literally years to get to this point, there is a lot of excitement and anticipation. Even as a non-West Point grad who was commissioned ~25 years ago, it's still an exciting night.
COVID has complicated everything, of course, but I'm still looking forward to hearing from my students and sponsor cadets how excited they are about their new branches.
This is an article from a couple of years ago about the process:

COVID has complicated everything, of course, but I'm still looking forward to hearing from my students and sponsor cadets how excited they are about their new branches.
This is an article from a couple of years ago about the process: