Brexit - (AKA...should they stay or should they go now?)


Sep 12, 2012
Tick/tock...this is a close one!

If I were British I would want my sovereignty. What does Britain gain from being a member? They have a decent economy; they can defend themselves; and the pound has been a consistent currency.

What do they have to lose from staying. All of the above and their national identity.

What are the positives to staying?

Currently 53-47 Leave.
I hope they leave. And furthermore I hope that their exit is the catalyst for the downfall of the disaster that is the European Union.

It will be interesting to see how financial markets react and the short-term economic implications of a Brexit. I read today that JPMorgan predicts a 10-15% pullback in the market if Britain does in fact vote to leave. Short-term pain for long-term gain, IMO.
I don't know enough to have an informed opinion. But the fact the Soros wants them to stay in, means I'm for the exit.
It's interesting that most younger people want to remain.

Most young Brits are manipulable retards. Yes, I know you have those too, but ours are even worse.

Fuck the EU. I hope we win our sovereignty back, and I hope the EU burns after this. Still very close and could go either way, but going far better for Leave than expected at first.
I think the US should follow suit; I've always thought that 'calling a state' when only a fraction of the votes have been counted is bullshit.

"Britain has tough laws on what information you can publish on election day. For example, the BBC is compelled to stick to reporting on only inarguably factual events — which politicians went to the polling station, for example. And despite being common practice in most parts of the world, publishing exit poll data — data from voters surveyed as they exit the polling stations — before 10 p.m. GMT (5 p.m. Eastern time), when the polls close, is illegal."
from The Mirror:

David Cameron has resigned as Prime Minister.

In a statement delivered outside Downing Street, he said: “The British people have made a very clear decision to take a different path, and as a result they need new leadership.”

“I don’t feel I should try to be the captain that steers the country to its next destination.”

He says he the negotiation of Britain’s exit from the EU must be performed by a new Prime Minister, and his successor must be the one to trigger article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Most young Brits are manipulable retards. Yes, I know you have those too, but ours are even worse.

Fuck the EU. I hope we win our sovereignty back, and I hope the EU burns after this. Still very close and could go either way, but going far better for Leave than expected at first.
What was the final straw that pissed off the electorate?
He says he the negotiation of Britain’s exit from the EU must be performed by a new Prime Minister, and his successor must be the one to trigger article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.

Which is hilarious. He lost his fight and is now kicking the can down the road to the next guy. "Leadership" indeed.

Good thing that isn't happening in the US....
Which is hilarious. He lost his fight and is now kicking the can down the road to the next guy. "Leadership" indeed.

Good thing that isn't happening in the US....

I get the part about having someone more aligned with the decision negotiating its terms, but leaving it to the successor to pull the trigger is weaksauce.

And it's been US political tradition for decades.
Which is hilarious. He lost his fight and is now kicking the can down the road to the next guy. "Leadership" indeed.

Good thing that isn't happening in the US....
It seems like there's going to be a lot of negotiations and deals to be made over the course of two years, it's not a cut and dry thing. Since he was completely against going, I think it's pretty honorable of him to leave it to the next guy to handle.
Which is hilarious. He lost his fight and is now kicking the can down the road to the next guy. "Leadership" indeed.

Good thing that isn't happening in the US....

He's a little traitor. Always has been. Wants to delay it as much as possible -- till he steps down in October. EU would like it to be within two weeks to avoid uncertainty. So I think he's trying to do anything he can to scupper it.