British Bayonet Training.


SOF Support
Jan 8, 2007
LOL, love this vid:

[ame=""]YouTube - British Army Bayonet Training![/ame]

Took it off another forum.
LMAO! Nice one, out of date drills now but good spirit and a fucking AWESOME rifle! :cool:
That video is classic, I've seen it used in "official" training lectures. It's great to lighten the mood.

LOL, I remember getting a "similar" lecture on basic bayonet use from fat sweaty French Canadian guy in Basic. He wasn't even a Vandoo, I think he was a trucker. :doh: I wish we had video of that guy, you couldn't understand a fucking word out of his mouth. He described it something like this.... "Bay-Not" So the first time I heard it, I thought we were at the wrong lecture and being tought knot tying by a crazy boy scout. :D
That video is classic, I've seen it used in "official" training lectures. It's great to lighten the mood.

LOL, I remember getting a "similar" lecture on basic bayonet use from fat sweaty French Canadian guy in Basic. He wasn't even a Vandoo, I think he was a trucker. :doh: I wish we had video of that guy, you couldn't understand a fucking word out of his mouth. He described it something like this.... "Bay-Not" So the first time I heard it, I thought we were at the wrong lecture and being tought knot tying by a crazy boy scout. :D

I rememer this vandoo who would take us for runs and say: "Ahh look you Sweat.... I'm going to make you Sweater!"