CA teacher calls troops dumb (Update)

In a contest of wits, I know of a few "dudes" that would mop the floor with this guy. I have also met some rocks and window lickers while serving but at least they knew when to keep their mouths shut and not stigmatize a humble and selfless crowd.

2 Tim 2:4

X-D You know, if Military(world over) was as bad as the HS teacher says, why is there a relatively fast track "Troops to Teachers" program offered in the US Military? Wonder where at on the food chain that puts this bag of wind? (Rhetorical) If this guy ends up in the unemployment line, at least Federally, Veterans Preference allows vets to step in front of his application. Lulz!:-o
If you listen to the video he makes a comment about wearing night vision, walking around aimlessly. I’d love to see him try that out, then try to shoot something. What an idiot.
Some of the the lowest of the low are able to preform blood transfusions in helicopters, what a bunch of retards...

I suppose he’s entitled to his dumbass opinion
Hey y'all...back in the 60s, 70s and 80s you'd have to search real hard to find somebody saying something nice about the fuckin troops. This is lame compared to the shit they used to call us.

I hear guys bitching about how nowadays every swinging dick in a uniform is called a "hero." Well...whaddaya want? The pendulum has swung the other way. For now. At least a "hero" can get laid once in a while, get a freebie meal or have somebody buy them a beer.

So some commie teacher says we're all dumb. Consider the source and suck it up. You been called worse in bootcamp.

And with all that said and being true, he is still a tool that shouldn't use the classroom for his personal stupidity.

Indeed I have been called worse, but it isn't his job to tell kids what he thinks about the military since some of those kids may have parents serving.

Like I said, he can have his opinion, but keep it out of the classroom.
The word “commie” always gives me a laugh. Yeah, I can certainly see your point. Being a pre-9/11 SM probably wasn’t nearly as pretty. I think the frustration comes from us because we’ve been training and fighting, training and fighting for 16 years. When I say “we” I’m talking about the less than .5% of the population that has volunteered to to take on the GWOT. The American public hasn’t been asked to give up anything for this service, which is fine, it’s a volunteer force. But I look back to the WWII days people weren’t allowed to buy gas, let alone buy new cars. People at home supported the effort and shared the hardship. They supported it after the attack at Pearl Harbor. We had a “Pearl Harbor” on 9/11.

So of course he can say dumb shit, that’s why we live here. But I can still tell people he’s an idiot.
Yep he’s there to teach, not give his opinions. Good post!

And with all that said and being true, he is still a tool that shouldn't use the classroom for his personal stupidity.

Indeed I have been called worse, but it isn't his job to tell kids what he thinks about the military since some of those kids may have parents serving.

Like I said, he can have his opinion, but keep it out of the classroom.
Of course it isn't his job. He's a piece of shit. He has a history of being a piece of shit. There's lots of pieces of shit teaching our kids. My kids had a few pieces of shit for teachers and professors. He's an asshole. Fuck him.

And they need to be held accountable for their words and deeds. Just because they are clowns and acknowledged as such doesn't give that person a right to simply continue on.

Maybe it's just me, but when my kids had teachers like that who felt their classrooms were their pulpits, they dealt with me. I didn't simply acknowledge them as being stupid, I did something to fix the issue.
You know how you can tell how much substance and backbone someone has? When they make stupid, idiotic comments and not think twice about, but once the sentiment of the majority levels it wrath down upon you, you turtle up like a frickin coward, delete your social media accounts and go into hiding.......

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And they need to be held accountable for their words and deeds. Just because they are clowns and acknowledged as such doesn't give that person a right to simply continue on.

Maybe it's just me, but when my kids had teachers like that who felt their classrooms were their pulpits, they dealt with me. I didn't simply acknowledge them as being stupid, I did something to fix the issue.

I'm not arguing with you, man. We're in total agreement. If a teacher said this crap to my kid in class, I'd be first in line calling for his termination. I think I'm failing to fully expound my gist with that I will exit, stage right, from this particular discussion.
Good. Sounds like he got what he deserved.

I will be standing by to see how high his GoFundMe goes...
I'm not arguing with you, man. We're in total agreement. If a teacher said this crap to my kid in class, I'd be first in line calling for his termination. I think I'm failing to fully expound my gist with that I will exit, stage right, from this particular discussion.

I'm not arguing with you either my Brother! I am just adding on to your statements. Sometimes my brain and fingers operate at two different speeds...we are in agreement...:thumbsup:;-)