CA teacher calls troops dumb (Update)

But, wait! There's more!
El Rancho teacher Gregory Salcido had nude images on work computer, used racial slurs, report says – San Gabriel Valley Tribune
How the hell did this guy remain employed for so long? :hmm:
The workplace investigation into a fired El Rancho High history and government teacher uncovered nude images of women on his school computer, one of many inflammatory allegations made against Gregory Salcido.

Following Salcido’s now-infamous anti-military rant, the El Rancho Unified School District opened an investigation which ultimately led the school board to fire him last month.That report was released Tuesday.

Among the numerous allegations were that Salcido deleted several illicit photos from his work computer, that he used racial slurs when speaking to students and that he once told his class he would kill them all if it were required to protect his family.

The report was compiled by Steve Hummel, owner of the Fremont-based Paradox Technology, which conducts “expert investigation and forensic services for attorneys,” according to the company’s website. Hummel interviewed students, parents, teachers, counselors, administrators and Salcido himself for the investigation. He also compiled records from Salcido’s personnel file and recovered documents from Salcido’s work computer.
According to the report, Salcido:

  • Had nude images of women on his work computer, which had been deleted;
  • Had an image of a young boy pulling on a sumo wrestler’s “thong like garment,” which had been deleted;
  • Told students it should not be illegal to download “kiddy porn”;
  • Told students they had the right to kill themselves;
  • Told students he would kill everyone in the classroom if it were required to protect his family;
  • Used racial slurs when talking to students;
  • Regularly insulted students, including cursing at them;
  • Used corporal punishment in the classroom by making students do push-ups or squats;
  • Refused to follow the district’s discipline policies;
  • Left campus during the school day, against his contractual requirements;
  • Completed City Council business on his school district computer;
  • Lied repeatedly during his interview with Hummel.

Despite Salcido’s denials of many of the allegations in his interview with Hummel, the investigator concluded that Salcido “lied repeatedly during his interview stating he has never raised his voice at a student, never used any curse or swear words in class, never singled out any student with humiliation or racist comments.”

In Hummel’s opinion, he wrote, “History shows Mr. Salcido will not stop his unacceptable behavior no matter what discipline the district uses on him. Mr. Salcido places his students in physical and emotional danger with his behavior. Removing Mr. Salcido seems to be the only way to protect the students.”
Maybe this teacher is on to something. I made the dumb decision to use a chainsaw at 1:00pm after being up all night for midnights. People have asked me why I paid so much for Duluth Fire Hose pants. My new answer will be, “because I’m dumb.” Buy a pair, they saved part of my upper thigh. Leg day wouldn’t have been as much fun as it usually is...
I have a pair of the ladies work pants. Duluth is the real deal. Although I admit I dont play with chain saws LOL