CA teacher calls troops dumb (Update)

but to lose his job because of what he said? That’s a slippery slope, coming from the OP.

When this story first went down I remember going back and reading exactly what was said. If he said what he said about the military in general, fine that’s his opinion. But he took it a step further and singled out the students in the class who sought to serve in the military; along with the students’ family and friends who were serving.

Making it personal crossed the line...and sealed his fate.

Salcido faced a severe backlash after a student secretly recorded him asking his government class why they would want to serve in the military, calling those who serve “dumbs‑‑‑s.”

“Think about the people who you know who are over there. Your freaking stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They’re dumbs‑‑‑s,” Salcido can be heard saying in the Jan. 25 tirade.

“They’re not like high-level thinkers, they’re not academic people, they’re not intellectual people. They’re the lowest of our low.”
I am glad he got fired. If I'm a school admin, I dont think this is the type of role model I want in my school. So I move on. Leaders should be able to lead their teams. Would he be fired for a racial comment? No different than stereotyping all military as dumbshits. My .02
I’m not sure I’m glad he got fired or not. It makes me wonder if he’ll have a case to sue. Colorado Cake-maker vs Gay cake requester, kinda thing. The Supreme court can’t figure that one out. I agree the dude sucks, but to lose his job because of what he said? That’s a slippery slope, coming from the OP.

What he said was an out-and-out lie. If a teacher stood in front of a class and told his students that "You don't want to become a fireman. Think about those guys. They are the ones dumb enough to actually RUN INTO a burning building," would that be a case for firing him? (No pun intended.) Of course it is! He lied to those kids just to make one feel badly about the desire to become one of the greatest things our country ever produced: a United States Marine!
What he said was an out-and-out lie. If a teacher stood in front of a class and told his students that "You don't want to become a fireman. Think about those guys. They are the ones dumb enough to actually RUN INTO a burning building," would that be a case for firing him? (No pun intended.) Of course it is! He lied to those kids just to make one feel badly about the desire to become one of the greatest things our country ever produced: a United States Marine!

So I’m going to agree and disagree with what you said. I agree wholeheartedly that the greatest things our country has ever produced is a United State Marine. I will disagree with the other part, I believe he has the right to lie. A lie is freedom of speech, unless representatives serving the needs of the people grant it a law. We can’t yell fire in a theater, we’ve determined that’s against the constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now, I will also say I have no idea what’s in the idiot’s contract he signed. If what he did was a breach of his contract, fire away. But to be fired for telling people what we think, I don’t like it. There are exceptions to that, my job (Police) is one of those.

That’s just how I see it, certainly does not mean I am right. I firmly believe I wear the uniform every day to ensure the people’s rights are preserved, not so much to take them away, even if I hate what they say. I’d like to lock up every idiot that burns a flag and protests a Soldier/Sailor/Marine/Airman’s funeral, but that’s the process of preserving rights. Even if it’s against how you feel.

This isn't a freedom of speech issue. Teachers have a responsibility to conduct themselves a certain way in front of students. This clown deserved his firing. I don't get to tell my boss to fuck off and then claim 1st Amendment rights.
This isn't a freedom of speech issue. Teachers have a responsibility to conduct themselves a certain way in front of students. This clown deserved his firing. I don't get to tell my boss to fuck off and then claim 1st Amendment rights.

Agreed. 1st amendment gives us the right to free speech but does not prevent backlash for doing so. Good. Fuck this cat. Flip that burger dick head.

I don't get to tell my boss to fuck off and then claim 1st Amendment rights.

Agreed, but that’s not what he did. In MO you can’t paint a broard brush, each case has to be looked at individually. If he didn’t break a law or breech his contract or policy of his employer (which he very well may have, I don’t know) he has the right to say what is on his mind.

Let me add, I have no issue eating my words if he did act out of policy.
Even not knowing its specifics, I don't see any way his conduct couldn't have violated his contract or employment policy. At a minimum it's bullying and harassment of his students. It also undermines his credibility and legitimacy as a teacher.
I'm curious about the broader context. What kind of history class was he giving? It did sound like more than just a John Kerry moment suggesting that only uneducated people join the military and get stuck in Iraq.

The history teacher attack the broader institution of the entire military. Not just 'dumb enlisted' but the institution itself by suggesting that the military wasn't smart enough to counter the third world war machine. (which only shows that the history teacher isn't smart enough to realize that college educated civilian leaders that give the military their marching orders)
His diatribe also suggested that the college education at our nations service academies is lacking as well since the entire military is too dumb to seek private sector employment...
...which by the way, teaching at a public school is NOT private sector employment - but Salcido is to myopic to notice that since his nose is pointed skyward instead of where he is going

I would like to cordially invite Mr Salcido to defecate in his hat and then pull it snuggly down past his ears.
Agreed, but that’s not what he did. In MO you can’t paint a broard brush, each case has to be looked at individually. If he didn’t break a law or breech his contract or policy of his employer (which he very well may have, I don’t know) he has the right to say what is on his mind.

Let me add, I have no issue eating my words if he did act out of policy.

The issue I see is not First Amendment. First Amendment means he can lie all he wants to his wife without it being a crime. (Might get him fired as a husband though.) Lying to other adults in public is his right. But this was not a case of firing over criminal conduct.

In this case, he lied to a group of minors in his charge who are themselves protected under the Free and Appropriate Public Education Act. This was in no way appropriate. The expletives alone were enough to get him suspended without pay once parents reported it. But lying? Oh hell no. This is why text books that rephrase the Second Amendment get pulled from the shelves. You cannot teach falsehoods in public schools and expect to keep your job. As @Muppet said, he is free to fail and suffer the consequences, including loss of employment for breach of contract.

Even not knowing its specifics, I don't see any way his conduct couldn't have violated his contract or employment policy. At a minimum it's bullying and harassment of his students. It also undermines his credibility and legitimacy as a teacher.
Exactly right. For the "lost" time in class, parents have a right to demand additional class time even. Now, I don't know any parent who would do that in this case. But in other cases of say, occupational therapy or speech therapy, those lost hours are accounted for over the summer if need be.
I've known many people to be let go just because the boss thought "we want to go in a different direction." In this case, if I were the boss, it'd be reason enough. Its probably not that simple in the education field, but I'd think administration would have enough authority to hire and fire as they see fit.
He's an educator. He by definition should be educating not expressing free speech while performing his job duties. Fired for not performing his job, but performing advocacy on tax payers dime, is all I see here.
Just thought I'd throw this out here. Based on my understanding of people going into the education field and what I've seen in academia in general, I think that instructors like Greggy are a symptom of the rot caused by ultra-liberal ideologies that have permeated our school systems. People like Greg are not uncommon in academia, what's concerning is that they are essentially moulding the psyche of the American youth.

Liberal ideologies tend to be embraced and are a large part of the culture, in the departments and colleges, where a majority of educators and support staff are trained. In a way, the indoctrination of our public sector educators tends to trickle down to students. People like Greg are just the shit heels, who think they're beyond reproach, that get louder and louder until they are finally hammered down. Teachers and admins who feign political outrage and call for their students to stage walkouts based on their ideals are some the quieter shitheads.

The above being said, I'm not damning educators or the education system, just want to point out that Greg is not alone and there are hundreds like him who have been smart enough to not be caught.
Okay... my less than intelligent self thought a posting of this little piece of literature might be some reading that could inspire some discussion in this thread - The Communist Manifesto, Marx & Engels. Does anybody else see any parallels to Mr. Salcido's rant, and the link posted by @Topkick from this little treatise?
The NRA article highlights the degree which socialism and liberalism has infiltrated the American education system. Salcido is respresentative of this through his anti- military rants. My questions are how did it get this way? How did it become en Vogue to bash your country and disregard anything good about America? How and why did this manifesto posted by @ x SF med become so important to American educators? How do we bring back some balance?