SOT-A section had a buddy fucker, 

Ok, how do you do that little invisible Internet ink trick?
Ah. So it's just white text. That's what I was getting at, how to "make" the invisible ink.Click anywhere in the text of that post and hold down the mouse button. Then drag your cursor, with the button still held down, to the end of the post. This will highlight the text and cause the hidden text (actually just text written in white) to appear.
The text in my post above is the actual ending to the story, if I would have thought about it before, I would have put this instead:
Wait your turn like everyone else, bitches!!!!![]()
Well, I have the last bit written already, just trying to tie together the part I have now with the ending, through a complete re-write of the portion in between (I didn't like how it worked the first time, it kind of came across as "SF guys are assholes and support guys are the source of all goodness in Group" which isn't true, isn't how I feel, and wasn't what I wanted to convey in the story).
So, for you impatient types ;) who want to jump to the end, below is the last paragraph or so of the story. I posted it in white so it wouldn't be a spoiler, if you want to read it highlight it with your cursor and you'll be able to see it. It won't make total sense without the part preceding it (which is still in cut-and-paste pieces at the moment) so you'll have to use your imagination as to how we get where we are now in the story to this ending, but here it is:
Faith smiled. “Will, I’m going to be OK,” he said. It was true; Faith didn’t feel… anything. He was over the anger and the disappointment, he didn’t even feel a sense of emptiness that everything he had worked so hard for had crashed to the ground and the hands of The Dud. Faith had played the game, and had lost. This time. But not for long.
Faith looked down at his uniform shirt and unclipped the SCIF access badge. He tossed it gently on top of the pile of inspection material.
“Had to work hard to get that,” he mused. “Want to walk me out?”
And with that, Captain Scott Faith, formerly of the 2nd Special Forces Group, got into his truck and drove home, to find his wife already there waiting for him with a tall glass of Southern Comfort and Diet Cherry Coke.
I think maybe he contracted mad cow diseaseSo Faith dies in a car crash.. that sucks..
SOT-A section had a buddy fucker,![]()
Self-fucker, methinks.
It never saidWhat, that's not the end of the story?