...and the safe incident is why we held 'burn parties' on the 1st and 16th every month... gasoline, diesel, paper and a 55 gallon drum in a secure location with access to a water hose... all documentation that had reached its use by date was bye-bye if 'destroy on or after' or sent to the designated secure storage if it was 'keep indefinite'... oh and if anybody had lost the combo to the safe at the office or SCIF ... there would have been a bunch of MSG, SGM, CSM, MAJ, LTC, COL's having that person for lunch
with some fava beans and a nice chianti.... Now if an unnamed CPT had opened an old safe with CU using a default combo, and said safe with CU had been just sitting there for years, and nobody in an intel position had attempted that fix during a SOCOM inspection... well, young CPT would have been congratulated then summarily shot and his command would have had to schedule a massive number of Hails and Farewells concurrent with many many GOLRs and a few deeper CI/other department and agency investigations...
the whole safe thing was a fail of such proportion that it approaches that realm of infinite stupidity that cannot even be expressed in quantum physics nor mechanics...
How did that safe just sit there for so long? And how did it skate through other IntSec inspections? I am confused at this... If anything even looks like it is from or belongs in a SCIF... it must be secured or burned.
