Well, I have a particularly severe mindset on that kind of issue. My belief is that the need very much exists, but the critical factor is having the right people up and down the chain involved. It's no good having the best professionals in the world doing the "wet work" if they're undermined by weak-kneed politicians above them. If it's to be done, it must be done with the highest level of operatives and short chain of command.
Most just don't have the stomach for it. That program would have to be run under a particularly ballsy President, with just the right (hand-picked and very short) chain under him. As far as congressional visibility, I don't see any of the members of congress being able to understand that entire realm. It's just too severe for non-operators to comprehend in my opinion. It'd have to be completely black to allow any longevity, whatsoever.
As an operator, I'd saddle up for a run like that in a heartbeat. I know others that would, as well. There are just too many people in our country now who have no clue of what it takes to defeat a hardened, dedicated, well-prepared, radical, long-term enemy like we have now. Those same people just want to "feel good", so they expose programs they don't like the sound of, even though it's all in the good fight to keep Hadji away from our homes and families with his terroristic evil.

America is so divided these days with shockingly sheltered people who've never been out of Beverly Hills, but somehow have a political microphone, that we can't get much done without fighting among ourselves. United we stand, divided we fall. Apparently, not everyone can envision what would happen should we continue to dick around and lose...
That brings up another point. I don't hear any talk about how our economy is the target. Just like those who failed their duties at the top of the Federal Air Marshal Service. They didn't seem to have a clue that another U.S. flagged commercial airline attack would devastate our travel industry. So, they just sat around collecting their fat pay and chasing off all the operators who would be inclined to ask them why they weren't doing their jobs.
A country lulled into a stupor. How many kicks to the groin will it take to actually wake us up?...