I have a couple questions for you today, I'll have separate thread just to maintain focus.
The first one is a question I have regarding the crossing point between asymetrical warfare and counter terrorism.
Counter terrorism was dealt by elite group for a while (French GIGN, Seals, SAS, Mossad etc...)and their learnings and trainings were fit for those kind of events (Stable environment, isolated event etcc.).
Then came international terrrorism, and basically counter terrorism became a warfare "technic". Spec Ops were now exporting their learnings and craft of counter terrorism became proxy war and asymetrical warfare.
Is there a "Crossing" point in time that could be seen as the real shift between the two? My guess would be post 9/11 war on terror, but I may be missing some other elements... (ie. Iranian Embassy events etc...).
What would be the main differences between asymetrical warfare and counter terrorism in our days?
I have a couple questions for you today, I'll have separate thread just to maintain focus.
The first one is a question I have regarding the crossing point between asymetrical warfare and counter terrorism.
Counter terrorism was dealt by elite group for a while (French GIGN, Seals, SAS, Mossad etc...)and their learnings and trainings were fit for those kind of events (Stable environment, isolated event etcc.).
Then came international terrrorism, and basically counter terrorism became a warfare "technic". Spec Ops were now exporting their learnings and craft of counter terrorism became proxy war and asymetrical warfare.
Is there a "Crossing" point in time that could be seen as the real shift between the two? My guess would be post 9/11 war on terror, but I may be missing some other elements... (ie. Iranian Embassy events etc...).
What would be the main differences between asymetrical warfare and counter terrorism in our days?