First round, in Philly and surrounding counties, field hospitals were set up BY DMATS and guard. They were hardly used. In Philly, a large gym owned by Temple University that has its level 1 shock trauma/knife and gun club, opened it to rona. Only 1 pt was admitted there.
I know of at least 1 emergency doc, whom I respect that freely admitted, "I discharged covid pts to nursing homes instead of these surge facilities based on optics. What would it look like if I admitted granny to a military hospital cot?".
So, hundreds of docs did same, nursing homes became petri dishes for rona, many died, alot on my watch.
Fuck him, fuck these docs, fuck the state. These pts would have gotten better care with DMATS/Army medicine than in some fuck hole nursing home where the nurses that can't cut real nursing, work.
Plus, the counties need to request the assistance.