I mean, you don’t have to sell me on the entire system being a dumpster fire. I’ve been saying it for months. But that wasn’t the context of my comment.Fully agree with you but I also think the "intelligence" that supported POTUS being a Russian asset had much more impact on the entire country for at least 3 years and, in my opinion, that damage was not isolated to one office but all of US.
I agree that Trump's tweets hurt but the actions of his some of his own executive branch subordinates had a significantly deeper and long lasting effect on the nation. In 2022, we will not be talking about Trump's tweets but we will be talking about political intelligence, "dirty tricks", FISA, distrust of FBI, etc long after.
I’m all for giving the pres his props when due. But his individual actions and decisions while president irreparably and permanently damaged/changed The American presidency.
Now, you can blame the rest of what you mentioned on whatever nebulous group of (assuming) left leaning ne’er dowels all you’d like. I’m happy to agree those situations are also garbage.
But Donald J. Trump, Mr “Grab em by the pussy” himself runs his Twitter account. He owns the damage that he’s done and no amount of saying “BuT hE wAs AlWaYs ReSpOnDiNg To PeOplE bEiNg UnFaIr To HiM.” washes that away.
They shot Reagan. He managed, somehow, to not act like a fucking baby.
Edit cause phone*