What's funny are the folks I care for, in laws (liberals that bought into it) and Maria's aunt. All bought into it, hook, line and sinker.
Then, one at a time, they caught the plague, including Maria's neices. They questioned it like they were confused. I laughed in their faces.
I said, wait, the universal masking and jabs did not work like lord Fauci said they would? Crickets.
Rewind to last year when Maria's mom passed. Fucked year but when funeral time came, funeral home mandated masks.
I refused, Maria's brother refused. We did not wear em, a few visitors did not. My bro in law (wife's sisters husband) was wearing one. He was standing next to me, I asked him this...
Why are you wearing a mask?.
He told me, "we were told we had to".
My response? Well, you're kissing cheeks, hugging and shaking hands. You're messing with your mask, intermittently pulling mask down to talk. See my point?
He took it off, Marisol gave him the look, he put it back on. Fucking cuck.